Consolidation shipping: Big savings with small items in Big Boxes

Consolidation simply put is purchasing a product with a large box with some smaller items that can fit inside that larger box. While this is by far the most cost effective purchasing with RHDJapan, it only works with some shipping methods. So before ordering you will need a little planning and understanding to take advantage and profit with this style of purchasing. In this post we will be going over the different shipping services offered through the RHDJapan site and providing more insight on how the consolidation services work.
How it WORKS:
You made 3 orders this month. Thank you!!
- 1st. Order total $349.55
- 2st. Order total $358.59
- 3nd. Order total $277.55
Total paid $985.69

3 separate orders this month.
BUT if you purchased them all together
- 1 consolidated order totaled $879.06, you would have saved $106.63

Consolidate your orders for savings!
Let's check another example
- 1st. Order total $750.51
- 2st. Order total $1197.37
- 3nd. Order total $1329.73
- Total paid $3277.61
BUT if you purchased them all together
- 1 consolidated order totaled $2715.33, you would have saved $562.28
As you can see with these real life examples purchasing all your parts from one shop in one go gives you the best price, no doubt! So you may be asking what shipping services can you use with this awesome pro-tip called consolidation?!
- some Work others WON'T

Consolidation discounts from RHDJapan
When you are adding all the items to your shopping cart look for the "Ask for Consolidation" button and click it.
All the items will be removed from your cart temporarily while a service member checks up on stock and discounts available for the order. From there we will email you with the best possible discount we can do along with instructions on how to proceed!
Why not give it a try yourself?
- If you still find a better price outta Japan after we get you your consolidated discount, please contact us!
- If all the parts for your consolidation idea are not on our site, please contact us!
- The delivery time for all of these services is just about the same time frame, the higher price for shipping does not signify a faster shipping time.
- All items shipped with these services includes our RHDJapan Insurance for complete customer satisfaction.
- The shipping services can operate in different ways in handling customs/duties depending on the region that you are in. Please feel free to select the best combination of price and/or service during checkout from the RHDJapan site.
Other shipping services such as LCL and FCL are also available for businesses qualified for the RHDJapan Dealer Program.