RHDJapan Blog Blog on JDM news, racing, drifting and thoughts from Osaka
Hello and welcome to the RHDJapan blog! After years of putting up different kinds of industry coverage of from inside Japan and across the ocean we have finally been able to reach 25,000 fans to our RHDJapan Facebook page!!
As the likes have come to our page organically and naturally the RHDJapan team is extremely proud about this accomplishment. With growth mostly coming from word of mouth, recommendations or shares done via those who interact on the page we would like to give a special thanks to those who continually participate and find the posts to be worth while and interesting. Whether sharing industry information, FREEBIES, new part releases, events coverage, video's or campaign information RHDJapan is proud to serve as bridge across the oceans bringing people across the globe closer by sharing common interests.

In celebration and to in order to give back to the global community we are having a completely FREE Giveaway which will also include shipping costs anywhere on the planet!!
For the Lucky Winner we have selected some newly released items that are hot and have been getting top reviews. These are also some of the best looking, well designed and innovative parts to come out in recent times. These kind of quality products truly keep the JDM Tuning Spirit alive! Including shipping each of the choices have a retail value of USD500+!!
The winner can select from any of the three part numbers listed below:

TRUST MULTI D/A Meters with Sensors (Boost Set 16001710 or Oil Pressure Face Set 16001711)

Sharing is caring, the one rule for this campaign is to share this blog post with at least one person that you think would be interested in the services that RHDJapan provides. Please do this by using one of the many methods listed below the listing, also feel free to encourage your friend(s) to participate in this giveaway!

After sharing to specific friends from this blog please go to the RHDJapan Facebook page and share it one more time either to your own wall or someone else's wall. You can share more than once through the facebook page as long as it is to someone different each time. The shares that are created via Facebook will give you a chance for a winning number by locking in a spot. Based off of the total amount of shares the winner will be selected using a Random Number Generator. The cutoff for this drawing and exact time that the Random Number Generator will be announced in the RHDJapan Facebook page.