RHDJapan Blog Blog on JDM news, racing, drifting and thoughts from Osaka


DEFI BF Meter Discontinuation Sale ~Feb 14

Effective immediately RHDJapan will be extending an additional 7% discount on the original BF Series Meters from DEFI (BF Advanced not included).

These meters will soon be discontinued with DEFI and the last order that can be placed is reported to be the 14th of February.

RHDJapan is making this offer for those who already have the BF series meters and are looking for one or more meters to complete their set prior to the discontinuation.

*Discount will be applied once added to shopping cart

DEFI Link Meter BF - Oil Pressure Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Oil Temperature Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Turbo Boost Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Exhaust Temperature Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Fuel Pressure Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Water Temperature Gauge

DEFI BF Tachometer RPM Gauge

Prenant effet immédiatement, RHDJapan ajoute une remise de 7% sur la série BF des manos de DEFI (à l'exception de la série BF Advanced).

Ces pièces vont cesser d'être produites chez DEFI, il et encore possible de commander jusqu'au 14 février dernier délais.

RHDJapan propose cette offre à tous ceux qui par exemple, possèdent déjà des pièces BF et qui cherchent à compléter leur set avant la fin de la production.

*La remise est appliquée une fois que l'article est ajouté au Caddie.

DEFI Link Meter BF - Oil Pressure Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Oil Temperature Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Turbo Boost Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Exhaust Temperature Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Fuel Pressure Gauge

DEFI Link Meter BF - Water Temperature Gauge

DEFI BF Tachometer RPM Gauge

Con Effetto IMMEDIATO RHDJapan vi offre un aggiuntivo 7% di sconto sulla prima serie di manometri Defi
Modello BF (I modelli BF Advance non sono inclusi).

La serie originale BF dei manometri DEFI sarà presto completamente fuori produzione e disponibilità e l'ultima ordinazione è prevista per metà Febbraio.

Questa offerta è mirata principalmente a tutti coloro che sono già in possesso di questi eccellenti manometri e sono alla ricerca di uno o più manometri per completare il loro set prima che non siano più disponibili!

Lo sconto sarà aggiunto automaticamente una volta aggiunto il prodotto al carrello.

DEFI Link Meter BF - Manometro Pressione Olio

DEFI Link Meter BF - Manometro Temperatura Olio

DEFI Link Meter BF - Manometro Turbo Boost

DEFI Link Meter BF - Manometro Temperatura Scarico

DEFI Link Meter BF - Manometro Pressione Carburante

DEFI Link Meter BF - Manometro Temperatura Acqua

DEFI Link Meter BF - Tachimetro giri Motore (RPM)

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Weekend Specials ~Jan 31

We will be ending the first month of the New Year with some great weekend specials. For this grouping of weekend RHDJapan will include some big name brands and more brands than normal.

For this Weekends Specials, RHDJapan will extend an additional 6% discount off our regular sale price for the following 10 Brands!!

JUN Auto
Moon Face
Ray's Engineering
Top Secret
Works Bell

In addition to the weekend specials we have a 40% discount available on the following
MOMO DRIFTING Steering Wheel!


Finissons ce premier mois de l’année en beauté avec grande promotion pour le weekend.
Cette promotion s’applique sur des marques plus prestigieuses, et plus nombreuses qu’à l’accoutumé.

Jugez par vous-même : 6% de réduction supplémentaires sur les 10 marques suivantes !

JUN Auto
Moon Face
Ray's Engineering
Top Secret
Works Bell

En plus de ses promos du weekend, nous offrons 40% de réduction sur ce volant


Eccoci di nuovo alla nostra tradizionale offerta del fine settimana!
E per questa ultima settimana del primo mese del 2011 vogliamo includere alcune delle più grandi Marche sul mondo Aftermarket!

Per questo fine settimana RHDJapan vi offre un aggiuntivo 6% di sconto sui nostri già scontati prezzi su tutte le parti di queste grandi 10 marche!!

JUN Auto
Moon Face
Ray's Engineering
Top Secret
Works Bell

E non è finita qui!
In aggiunta alla tradizionale offerta settimanale La vostra afezzionata RHDJapan vi offre un 40% di sconto in questo Volante MOMO DRIFTING!

E' sufficiente che aggiungete il seguente codice sconto durante l'aquisto:

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


MSC Challenge 2010 Yearbook

MSC Challenge has just released the yearbook from 2010!

A 20-page full color high-quality print book full of all of the drivers and their ranking from the 2010 season.
Featured are well known big names such as Naoki Nakamura of Team Burst fame and Former D1GP & AE86 driver, Katsuhiro Ueo.
For the more hardcore, the following teams/representatives of teams also make appearances:
- 326 Power
- Halloween Racing
- Mouse
- Run Free
- Magician
- Sexy Knights
- Hey Man!
- T50 Japan
and more!!

RHDJapan has 50 copies of the yearbook and are offering to include one per order as a service to our customers.

Please add the following in the comments section at checkout to receive your copy:

MSC Challenge vient juste de sortir son annuaire 2010!

C'est un livre tout en couleur d'une grande qualité d'impression, avec tous les pilotes et leur classement au cours de la saison 2010.
Y sont présents des grand noms tels que Naoki Nakamura du team Burst fame et l'ancien pilote D1GP & AE86 Katsuhiro Ueo.

Pour encore plus de hardcore, les équipes ou représentants des équipes suivantes y font aussi quelques apparitions :
- 326 Power
- Halloween Racing
- Mouse
- Run Free
- Magician
- Sexy Knights
- Hey Man!
- T50 Japan
Et encore beaucoup d'autres !!

RHDJapan a 50 copies de ce livre et se propose d'un ajouter un par commande en tant que cadeau à ses clients!

Pour recevoir le vôtre, il vous suffit d'ajouter dans la section commentaire le code suivant :

MSC Challenge ha appena pubblicato il loro Annuario per il 2010!

Un annuario di 20 pagine totalmente a colori pieno di tutti i piloti e i ranking per la stagione 2010.
Tra questi vi sono nome molto famosi come Naoki Nakamura del Team Burst e l'Ex Pilota D1GP & AE86, Katsuhiro Ueo.

Ecco altri Team e rappresentanti di Team presenti su questo annuario:
- 326 Power
- Halloween Racing
- Mouse
- Run Free
- Magician
- Sexy Knights
- Hey Man!
- T50 Japan
e molti altri!!

RHDJapan ha 50 Copie di questo annuario e lo vogliamo aggiungere in OMAGGIO ai nostri fedeli clienti all'interno dell'ordine!

E' sufficiente che aggiungete il seguente codice sulle note durante l'ordine:

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Endless Subaru Pad and Rotor Campaign ~3/30

This campaign is specifically for Subaru owners with the BREMBO setup looking to further improve braking performance.
You will be able to get the most out of your BREMBO calipers and also be able to maintain the standard wheel setup as well.
This is a great option for those who want to improve braking while also staying away from the extremely costly big brake kits.

With this campaign RHDJapan will be extending a discount of JPY7000 on the purchase of select rotors and brake pads as a set.
A discount of JPY14000 will be available for those who are purchasing both front and rear rotors and pads.

Among the available rotors included will be the Curving Slit and the Basic Type Rotors.

The following vehicles are supported:

Impreza WRX STi GDB (excluding RA-R)

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Forester SG9 (STi Models from 2/04)

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Legacy B4 S401 STI BES

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Legacy BL5/BP5 (STi Models from 8/05)
Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Impreza WRX STI GRB/GRF (excluding R205)

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

The pads available for this campaign are the Super Street M-Sport along with the MX72 pads.

M-Sports Brake Pads

MX72 Brake Pads

Cette campagne promotionnelle conviendra particulièrement aux possesseurs de Subaru avec la configuration BREMBO cherchant à améliorer leur performance de freinage.
Vous pourrez tirer le maximum de vos étriers BREMBO tout en conservant votre configuration de roues standard.
Il s’agit d’une grande opportunité pour ceux qui désirent améliorer leur frein en évitant de dépenser des fortunes dans des kits de freinage onéreux.

Durant cette campagne, vous bénéficiez d’une remise additionnelle de 7000 yens sur une sélection de rotors et de plaquettes de frein, si acheté simultanément.
Un e remise de 14000 yens sera offerte pour l’achat simultané des plaquettes et rotors avant et arrière.

La promotion incluse les rotors Curving Slit et Basic Type.

Les véhicules suivant sont compatibles:

Impreza WRX STi GDB (excluding RA-R)

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Forester SG9 (STi Models from 2/04)

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Legacy B4 S401 STI BES

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Legacy BL5/BP5 (STi Models from 8/05)
Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Impreza WRX STI GRB/GRF (excluding R205)

Curving Slit Front
Curving Slit Rear
Basic Front
Basic Rear

Les plaquettes disponibles pour cette campagne sont les Super Street M-Sport ainsi que les MX72 pads.

M-Sports Brake Pads

MX72 Brake Pads

Questa offerta è stata specificamente sviluppata per tutti i possessori di veicoli Subaru con le pinze di serie BREMBO in cerca di potenziare ulteriormente il loro impianto frenante con i prodotti di massima qualità della Endless.

Con questa offerta sarete in grado di potenziare al massimo le prestazioni delle vostre pinze Brembo e senza dover modificare le impostazioni dei vostri cerchi.

Questa è una fantastica opportunità per tutti coloro che vogliono migliorare le prestazioni del sistema frenante senza dover passare ad un "Big Brake Kit".

Con questa offerta RHDJapan vi aggiungerà uno sconto di 7000 yen (+/- 65 Euro) nell'acquisto di selezionati dischi e pastiglie.
Ed uno sconto di 14000 yen (+/- 130 Euro) a chi acquista un set Anteriore e Posteriore completo.

I Dischi inclusi nell'offerta sono il modello "Curving Slit" e "Basic".

Questi i veicoli compatibili con l'offerta:

Impreza WRX STi GDB (Modello RA-R Escluso)

Curving Slit Anteriore
Curving Slit Posteriore
Basic Anteriore
Basic Posteriore

Forester SG9 (Modelli STi dal 2/04)

Curving Slit Anteriore
Curving Slit Posteriore
Basic Anteriore
Basic Posteriore

Legacy B4 S401 STI BES

Curving Slit Anteriore
Curving Slit Posteriore
Basic Anteriore
Basic Posteriore

Legacy BL5/BP5 (Modelli STi dal 8/05)
Curving Slit Anteriore
Curving Slit Posteriore
Basic Anteriore
Basic Posteriore

Impreza WRX STI GRB/GRF (Modello R205 Escluso)

Curving Slit Anteriore
Curving Slit Posteriore
Basic Anteriore
Basic Posteriore

Le pastiglie disponibili per l'offerta sono le "Super Street M-Sport" assieme alle "MX72".

Pastiglie Freno M-Sports

Pastiglie Freno MX72

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Weekend Specials ~Jan 24

Getting back into the routine for the New Year this blog post will introduce our traditional weekend specials!

For this Weekends Specials, RHDJapan will extend an additional 6% discount off our regular sale price for the following 8 Brands!!

HKB Sports
Moon Face
Super Now
Retournons un peu a la normale après tous ces départs de campagnes promotionnelles pour cette nouvelle année, nous retrouvons maintenant également nos traditionnelles promos du weekend !

Ce weekend, RHDJapan vous offre 6% de remise additionnelle sur tous les prix des 8 marques suivantes !!

HKB Sports
Moon Face
Super Now

Bon weekend à tous !
Eccoci di nuovo alla nostra tradizionale offerta del fine settimana! Il nuovo anno è cominciato e le offerte del fine settimana sono Tornate!

Per questo fine settimana RHDJapan vi offre un aggiuntivo 6% di sconto sui nostri già scontati prezzi su tutte le parti di queste grandi 8 marche!!

HKB Sports
Moon Face
Super Now


Nagisa Auto Campaign ~1/27

Welcome to the RHDJapan blog once again!
This will be the 4th new campaign starting this week and although it will only be available for less than a week it will be another great opportunity for those looking to take advantage!
With this campaign we will be able to offer better prices on select Nagisa Auto parts than ever available in the past!!
Many of the other campaigns are limited to a couple vehicles, this campaign will include something for just about all of the popular tuning cars.

Receive a 15% discount on all Shakitto Plate orders and 'Shakitto Plate' Cutting sticker as a service!!

W300×H70mm (White or Black)
Nagisa Auto Shakitto Plate

Receive a 15% discount on all Gacchiri Supports and receive a 'Gacchiri In Car' or 'Muscle Gacchiri' sticker as a service!

W120×H95mm (Available colors: Orange, Red or Blue)

Nagisa Auto Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace FC3S FD3S NA NB

Nagisa Auto Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Nissan

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Honda

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Suzuki Swift Sport HT81S

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Subaru

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Toyota

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Mitsubishi

Receive a 23% discount on all Hyper Roll Center Ball Joints!

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Front Nissan

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Rear RPS13 PS13 HCR32 GC33 CA31

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Rear S14 S15 R33 R34 GC34

*Discount will be applied once items are added to shopping cart.
**Please confirm the sticker and color options in the comments section at checkout.Merci à vous tous qui suivez les dernières news RHDJapan sur ce blog.
Voici la 4ème campagne promotionnelle spéciale qui commence cette semaine. Bien que cette dernière dure moins de 7 jours, il s’agit d’une offre très avantageuse.
Avec cette campagne, nous vous offrons les meilleurs prix jamais pratiqués sur une sélection de produits Nagisa !
Beaucoup d’autres campagnes se sont limité à quelques véhicules seulement, mais celle-ci inclus des produits compatibles avec pratiquement tous les véhicules parmis les plus populaires dans le milieu du tuning !

15% de réduction sur toutes les plaques Shakitto, avec un sticker ‘Shakitto Plate’ en cadeau !

W300×H70mm (blanc, ou noir)
Nagisa Auto Shakitto Plate

15% également sur les supports Gacchiri avec un sticker ‘Gacchiri In Car’ ou ‘Muscle Gacchiri’ en cadeau !

W120×H95mm (Couleurs disponibles: Orange, rouge ou bleu)

Nagisa Auto Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace FC3S FD3S NA NB

Nagisa Auto Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Nissan

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Honda

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Suzuki Swift Sport HT81S

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Subaru

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Toyota

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Mitsubishi

Pour finir, 23% sur tous les Hyper Roll Center Ball Joints !

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Front Nissan

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Rear RPS13 PS13 HCR32 GC33 CA31

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Rear S14 S15 R33 R34 GC34

*Les remises sont appliquées automatiquement une fois les produits placés dans le Caddie.
**Merci de préciser la couleur souhaitée pour le sticker dans le champ réservé aux commentaires sur la page du Caddie.Bentornati all-interno del nostro Blog, per nuove grandi offerte!
Questa è la nostra quarta nuova offerta per quest'anno.
Questa offerta comincerà questa settimana ma sarà disponibile per pochissimo tempo! Questa è una grande opportunità per tutti coloro che riusciranno a prenderne vantaggio.

Con questa offerta saremo capaci di offrirvi prezzi competitivi su alcuni prodotti della NAGISA AUTO che già erano disponibili all'interno del nostro sito.

Molte delle nostre offerte spesso sono limitate solo ad alcuni veicoli, Questa offerta invece riesce a coprire praticamente tutti i famosi veicoli Giapponesi nel mondo del Tuning.

Ricevete uno sconto del 15% ordinando i famosi Shakitto Plate, in più, in omaggio, il l'adesivo Shakitto Plate!!

W300×H70mm (Bianco o Nero)
Nagisa Auto Shakitto Plate

Ricevete uno sconto del 15% ordinando i famosi Supporti Gacchiri, in più, in omaggio, il l'adesivo 'Gacchiri In Car' o 'Muscle Gacchiri'!!

W120×H95mm (Colori Disponibili: Arancio, Rosso o Blue)

Nagisa Auto Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace FC3S FD3S NA NB

Nagisa Auto Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Nissan

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Honda

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Suzuki Swift Sport HT81S

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Subaru

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Toyota

NAGISA AUTO Gacchiri Support Front Fender Brace Mitsubishi

Ricevete uno sconto del 23% su tutti gli Hyper Roll Center Ball Joints!

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Front Nissan

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Rear RPS13 PS13 HCR32 GC33 CA31

NAGISA AUTO Hyper Roll Center Adapter - Rear S14 S15 R33 R34 GC34

Lo sconto sarà applicato automaticamente una volta aggiunto gli articoli al carrello.
Vi preghiamo cortesemente di indicare quale adesivo volete e il suo colore nello spazio note durante il checkout.

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Cusco LSD & Oil Campaign ~Jan 30

RHDJapan is bringing you a little something extra once again!

This campaign will consist of a FREE 1 liter can of 80w-90 LSD Oil with the purchase of any CUSCO LSD.
The LSD oil from Cusco has been developed specifically for the Cusco LSD's for optimum performance!

Once you add the LSD of your choice to your shopping cart along with the LSD Oil the discount will automatically be applied!

Please keep in mind that LSD Oil can only be shipped via DHL or FEDEX. RHDJapan vous offre encore une fois un petit quelque chose en plus!

Cette offre vous propose de recevoir gratuitement un bidon d'un litre d'huile LSD 80w-90 pour tout achat d'un LSD Cusco. L'huile LSD de Cusco a specialement été conçue pour assurer aux LSD de Cusco des performances optimales!

Une fois que vous avez ajouté le LSD de votre choix à votre Caddie ainsi que 1 bidon de 1 litre de LSD Oil la remise sera appliquée automatiquement !

Cependant, merci de bien garder à l'esprit qu'un bidon d'huile ne peut être expédié qu'avec les services de DHL ou FedEx.

Eccovi un nuovo interessante extra da parte della vostra affezionata RHDJapan!

Questa offerta vi offre 1 Litro di Olio 80w-90 per LSD con l'acquisto di un LSD della Grande Cusco.
Gli Oli per LSD della Cusco sono stati specificatamente sviluppati per i loro LSD portando al massimo le prestazioni del LSD stesso!

Una volta aggiunto sia l'LSD di vostra scelta e l'Olio LSD al vostro carrello lo sconto verrà automaticamente applicato!

Vi preghiamo di ricordare che gli oli LSD possono essere spediti unicamente utilizzando i Corrieri Espressi FedEx e DHL.

State in linea per nuove Fantastiche Offerte da RHDJapan!


VARIS Aeroparts Campaign ~Feb 9

Greetings from Tokyo once again! This blog post will bring some more exiting campaign information and RHDJapan will continue to offer more great campaigns throughout 2011 so please stay posted!

This campaign will be going on for the next 3 weeks and will be available to any orders that qualify placed by Feb 9 giving those who are looking for proven top quality aeroparts more purchasing power.

In this campaign RHDJapan will be extending an additional JPY7000 (approx USD90, €65, £55) with the purchase of any VARIS

Lip Spoiler or Wing,


or Trunk

Additional discounts are available for multiple/consolidated VARIS purchases along with full Aero Kits (excluding the VARIS Collaboration series).

If the Varis item that you are looking for is not listed on the site or if you are considering purchasing multiple Varis items please contact us.
Encore un grand bonjour depuis Tokyo !! RHDJapan commence fort cette année 2011 avec des vagues de campagnes promotionnelles toujours plus intéressantes. Continuez à nous suivre et assurez vous de n’en louper aucune !

Au cours des 3 semaines à venir, une remise sera appliquée sur toutes les commandes qui remplissent les conditions requises et qui auront été placées avant le 9 février, offrant ainsi à ceux d'entre vous qui recherchent la meilleures des qualités pour les aéroparts une occasion à ne pas manquer!

Au cours de cette campagne, RHDJapan offre une remise supplémentaire de 7000JPY (approximativement 90$USD, 65€, 55£ ) pour tout achat de la marque VARIS.


Lip Spoiler ou Wing,


or Trunk

Des remises supplémentaires sont cumulables pour les commandes de plusieurs articles VARIS ou en complément, ainsi que pour les Aero Kits complets (à l'exception des séries Collaboration VARIS)

Si l'article que vous recherchez n'est pas listé sur le site, ou si vous envisagez d'acquérir plusieurs articles VARIS, merci de nous contacter !
Salve ancora a tutti da Tokyo!
Con l'avvento del 2011 il nostro blog veste una nuova pelle e vi porta nuove fantastiche promozioni!
RHDJapan continuerà ad offrirvi sempre nuove grandi offerte, quindi controllate il nostro blog Spesso per le ultime novità!

Questa nuova grande offerta sarà valida per le prossime 3 settimane e sarà disponibile per ogni ordine inoltrato prima del 9 febbraio, dando il massimo potere d'acquisto a tutti coloro che cercano parti aerodinamiche di massima qualità!

In questa offerta RHDJapan vi offre un aggiuntivo sconto di JPY7000 (indicativamente €65) con l'acquisto di qualsiasi VARIS:


Alettoni o Lips,


o Bauli

Sconti aggiuntivi sono disponibili per multipli/consolidati prodotti Varis assieme naturalmente ai kit estetici completi (Fatta eccezione della Serie "VARIS Collaboration").

Se cercate un articolo specifico di VARIS, ma non lo trovate all'interno del nostro sito o avete la necessità di acquistare diversi prodotti VARIS assieme allora non esitate a contattare Amon al questo indirizzo support@rhdjapan.com.


Exedy Clutch Campaign ~March 24

Welcome to the RHDJapan Blog and Greetings from Tokyo!!

Starting off 2011 and continuing for over 2 months is a great campaign on select Exedy clutch kits.

The campaign will be for some select Carbon and Metal clutches by EXEDY. The amount listed on the far right in the chart below will be the additional discount applied once the coupon code is entered during the checkout process.

Please check out the very bottom for savings of up to 50% off select clutches!!

There will be more great campaigns so stay tuned to the RHDJapan blog for great deals on staying tuned!

Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
S13/14 SR20DET NH01SD1 ¥5,200
S15 SR20DET NH02SD1 ¥11,600
BNR32 Zenki RB26DETT NM032HDMC1 ¥11,100
NM032SD ¥8,400
R32/33 RB20/25DET NM032SDL ¥8,900
BNR32 Kouki RB26DETT NM042HDMC1 ¥11,100
NM042SD ¥8,900
BNR34 RB26DETT NM052HDMC1 ¥12,600
NM052SD ¥10,100
NM053SBMC1 ¥16,400
R32/33 RB20/25DET NH03SD1 ¥5,200
ER34 RB25DET NH04SD1 ¥5,700
Z33 Zenki VQ35DE NM072SDMC1 ¥12,600
NH05SD1 ¥13,800
Z33 Kouki、Z34、V36 VQ35HR/37VHR NM102SDMC1 ¥13,100
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
SW20,ST185/205 3S-GTE TH02SD ¥5,600
SXE10 3S-GE TH03SDMC1 ¥7,700
TH03SD ¥11,600
JZX90/100/110 1JZ-GTE TM032HDMC1 ¥13,100
JZZ30、JZA70 TH04SD1 ¥6,700
TM032SD ¥10,000
TM032SDL ¥10,500
JZA80 2JZ-GTE TM042SD ¥10,000
(2JZ-GE only 6M/T) TM042HDMC1 ¥13,200
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
FC3S 13B-T ZM012SBMC1 ¥11,600
ZH02SD ¥7,700
FD3S 13B-REW ZM022SDMC1 ¥12,500
ZM022SBMC1 ¥12,300
ZH01SD1 ¥6,700
ZM022SD ¥8,900
ZM022SBL ¥10,000
SE3P 13B-MSP ZH02SDMC1 ¥7,700
ZH02SD ¥7,700
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
Evo.Ⅳ~Ⅸ CN/CP/CT9A 4G63T MM022HDMC1 ¥11,700
MM022SBMC1 ¥11,500
MM023SBMC1 ¥15,500
MH01SD1 ¥6,700
MM022SD ¥8,900
MM023SR ¥11,000
MM022SBL ¥10,000
MM022SDL ¥10,000
Evo.Ⅹ CZ4A 4B11T MM062HDMC1 ¥11,700
MH06SD ¥6,700
MM062SD ¥8,900
MM062SBL ¥10,000
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
GC8,GDA(Applied A~E) EJ20T FM012SDMC1 ¥11,600
FH01SD1 ¥9,400
BC/BD/BE5 (PULL 5MT) FM012SD ¥8,900
GDB/GRB EJ20/25T FM022HDMC1 ¥11,900
FH02SD1 ¥9,400
BP/BL5 (PULL 6MT) FM022SD ¥8,900
SG9 FM022SDL ¥10,000
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
CR-X EF8/9 B16A HH06SD ¥4,800
EG6,EK4/9 B16A/B HH02SBMC1 ¥6,200
HH02SD ¥4,800
EP3,FD2 K20A HH03SD ¥4,800
DC5、CL7 HH03SDF ¥5,200
CL1 H22A HH05SD ¥6,100
AP1/2 F20C/22C HH01SD ¥6,700
HH01HDMC1 ¥8,400
NA1/2 C30/32B HH04SD1 ¥6,700
HM012SD ¥9,400

The following clutches are only available as stock lasts (stock level updated on Jan17). There is no coupon set for these items, please contact Patrick if interested.

Click HERE for Limited Offers up to 50% OFF!!Bienvenue sur le Blog de RHDJapan, et bien le bonjour depuis Tokyo!!

Alors que cette offre courrait déjà sur la fin de 2010, voilà qu'on la prolonge encore un peu sur les premiers mois de 2011.

Cette offre porte sur une sélection d'embrayages Carbon et Metal de chez EXEDY.

Le montant indiqué tout à droite sur le tableau ci-dessous représente la remise supplémentaire qui sera appliquée une fois que le *coupon code* aura été ajouté au cours de la commande.

Lisez bien ce tableau jusqu'en bas pour profiter d'économies allant jusqu'à 50% sur cette sélection d'embrayages!!

D'autres promotions sont à venir, alors restez connectés sur le Blog de RHDJapan pour continuer à profiter de nos offres exceptionnelles.

Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
S13/14 SR20DET NH01SD1 ¥5,200
S15 SR20DET NH02SD1 ¥11,600
BNR32 Zenki RB26DETT NM032HDMC1 ¥11,100
NM032SD ¥8,400
R32/33 RB20/25DET NM032SDL ¥8,900
BNR32 Kouki RB26DETT NM042HDMC1 ¥11,100
NM042SD ¥8,900
BNR34 RB26DETT NM052HDMC1 ¥12,600
NM052SD ¥10,100
NM053SBMC1 ¥16,400
R32/33 RB20/25DET NH03SD1 ¥5,200
ER34 RB25DET NH04SD1 ¥5,700
Z33 Zenki VQ35DE NM072SDMC1 ¥12,600
NH05SD1 ¥13,800
Z33 Kouki、Z34、V36 VQ35HR/37VHR NM102SDMC1 ¥13,100
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
SW20,ST185/205 3S-GTE TH02SD ¥5,600
SXE10 3S-GE TH03SDMC1 ¥7,700
TH03SD ¥11,600
JZX90/100/110 1JZ-GTE TM032HDMC1 ¥13,100
JZZ30、JZA70 TH04SD1 ¥6,700
TM032SD ¥10,000
TM032SDL ¥10,500
JZA80 2JZ-GTE TM042SD ¥10,000
(2JZ-GE only 6M/T) TM042HDMC1 ¥13,200
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
FC3S 13B-T ZM012SBMC1 ¥11,600
ZH02SD ¥7,700
FD3S 13B-REW ZM022SDMC1 ¥12,500
ZM022SBMC1 ¥12,300
ZH01SD1 ¥6,700
ZM022SD ¥8,900
ZM022SBL ¥10,000
SE3P 13B-MSP ZH02SDMC1 ¥7,700
ZH02SD ¥7,700
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
Evo.Ⅳ~Ⅸ CN/CP/CT9A 4G63T MM022HDMC1 ¥11,700
MM022SBMC1 ¥11,500
MM023SBMC1 ¥15,500
MH01SD1 ¥6,700
MM022SD ¥8,900
MM023SR ¥11,000
MM022SBL ¥10,000
MM022SDL ¥10,000
Evo.Ⅹ CZ4A 4B11T MM062HDMC1 ¥11,700
MH06SD ¥6,700
MM062SD ¥8,900
MM062SBL ¥10,000
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
GC8,GDA(Applied A~E) EJ20T FM012SDMC1 ¥11,600
FH01SD1 ¥9,400
BC/BD/BE5 (PULL 5MT) FM012SD ¥8,900
GDB/GRB EJ20/25T FM022HDMC1 ¥11,900
FH02SD1 ¥9,400
BP/BL5 (PULL 6MT) FM022SD ¥8,900
SG9 FM022SDL ¥10,000
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
CR-X EF8/9 B16A HH06SD ¥4,800
EG6,EK4/9 B16A/B HH02SBMC1 ¥6,200
HH02SD ¥4,800
EP3,FD2 K20A HH03SD ¥4,800
DC5、CL7 HH03SDF ¥5,200
CL1 H22A HH05SD ¥6,100
AP1/2 F20C/22C HH01SD ¥6,700
HH01HDMC1 ¥8,400
NA1/2 C30/32B HH04SD1 ¥6,700
HM012SD ¥9,400

Les embrayages suivants ne sont disponibles que dans la limite des stocks disponibles (les stocks ont été mis à jour le 17 janvier). Il n'y a pas de *coupon code* pour ces artivles, si vous êtes intéressés, merci de contacter Patrick.

Cliquez ICI pour des offres limités offrant jusqu'à 50% de réduction !!Benvenuti al Blog di RHDJapan e grossi saluti da Tokyo!!

Con l'inizio del 2011 e per una durata di 2 mesi riproponiamo la strepitosa offerta sui kit Frizione EXEDY!

L'offerta sarà mirata unicamente su alcuni Kit Frizione Carbon e Metal della EXEDY. L'importo indicato a destra sulla lista sarà il valore di sconto che verrà applicato una volta che il codice coupon sarà inserito durante il secondo passo nella fase di chekout.

Ci saranno molte altre Offerte all'interno del Blog in futuro! Quindi restate connessi e controllate il Blog spesso!

Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
S13/14 SR20DET NH01SD1 ¥5,200
S15 SR20DET NH02SD1 ¥11,600
BNR32 Zenki RB26DETT NM032HDMC1 ¥11,100
NM032SD ¥8,400
R32/33 RB20/25DET NM032SDL ¥8,900
BNR32 Kouki RB26DETT NM042HDMC1 ¥11,100
NM042SD ¥8,900
BNR34 RB26DETT NM052HDMC1 ¥12,600
NM052SD ¥10,100
NM053SBMC1 ¥16,400
R32/33 RB20/25DET NH03SD1 ¥5,200
ER34 RB25DET NH04SD1 ¥5,700
Z33 Zenki VQ35DE NM072SDMC1 ¥12,600
NH05SD1 ¥13,800
Z33 Kouki、Z34、V36 VQ35HR/37VHR NM102SDMC1 ¥13,100
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
SW20,ST185/205 3S-GTE TH02SD ¥5,600
SXE10 3S-GE TH03SDMC1 ¥7,700
TH03SD ¥11,600
JZX90/100/110 1JZ-GTE TM032HDMC1 ¥13,100
JZZ30、JZA70 TH04SD1 ¥6,700
TM032SD ¥10,000
TM032SDL ¥10,500
JZA80 2JZ-GTE TM042SD ¥10,000
(2JZ-GE only 6M/T) TM042HDMC1 ¥13,200
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
FC3S 13B-T ZM012SBMC1 ¥11,600
ZH02SD ¥7,700
FD3S 13B-REW ZM022SDMC1 ¥12,500
ZM022SBMC1 ¥12,300
ZH01SD1 ¥6,700
ZM022SD ¥8,900
ZM022SBL ¥10,000
SE3P 13B-MSP ZH02SDMC1 ¥7,700
ZH02SD ¥7,700
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
Evo.Ⅳ~Ⅸ CN/CP/CT9A 4G63T MM022HDMC1 ¥11,700
MM022SBMC1 ¥11,500
MM023SBMC1 ¥15,500
MH01SD1 ¥6,700
MM022SD ¥8,900
MM023SR ¥11,000
MM022SBL ¥10,000
MM022SDL ¥10,000
Evo.Ⅹ CZ4A 4B11T MM062HDMC1 ¥11,700
MH06SD ¥6,700
MM062SD ¥8,900
MM062SBL ¥10,000
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
GC8,GDA(Applied A~E) EJ20T FM012SDMC1 ¥11,600
FH01SD1 ¥9,400
BC/BD/BE5 (PULL 5MT) FM012SD ¥8,900
GDB/GRB EJ20/25T FM022HDMC1 ¥11,900
FH02SD1 ¥9,400
BP/BL5 (PULL 6MT) FM022SD ¥8,900
SG9 FM022SDL ¥10,000
Make/Model Engine Part Number Discount
Coupon Code
CR-X EF8/9 B16A HH06SD ¥4,800
EG6,EK4/9 B16A/B HH02SBMC1 ¥6,200
HH02SD ¥4,800
EP3,FD2 K20A HH03SD ¥4,800
DC5、CL7 HH03SDF ¥5,200
CL1 H22A HH05SD ¥6,100
AP1/2 F20C/22C HH01SD ¥6,700
HH01HDMC1 ¥8,400
NA1/2 C30/32B HH04SD1 ¥6,700
HM012SD ¥9,400

I seguenti Kit Frizione saranno disponibili UNICAMENTE fino a fine scorte (Il livello di stock è aggiornato al 17 Gennaio). Per questi kit non esiste Coupon di sconto quindi, se interessati Contattate Amon a support@rhdjapan.com

Clicca QUI per le offerte limitate con sconti fino al 50%!!!


Weekend Specials ~Dec 20

Greetings from Tokyo once again!! This will be the last batch of weekend specials for the year and they will resume back up on the 14th of January.

For this Weekends Specials, RHDJapan will extend an additional 6% discount off our regular sale price for the following 9 Brands!!

HKB Sports
Fujita Engineering FEED
Super Now


Below are some examples on FREE Shipping Example of FREE Shipping (EMS)

We have created a quick reference link to show the individual items that qualify for FREE Shipping on individual purchases. For individual items of similar size that are valued under this amount many of these items can still qualify with the addition of another small item.
List of Items that Qualify for FREE Shipping!Greetings from Tokyo once again!! This will be the last batch of weekend specials for the year and they will resume back up on the 14th of January.

For this Weekends Specials, RHDJapan will extend an additional 6% discount off our regular sale price for the following 9 Brands!!

HKB Sports


Fujita Engineering FEED





Super Now



Below are some examples on FREE Shipping Example of FREE Shipping (EMS)

We have created a quick reference link to show the individual items that qualify for FREE Shipping on individual purchases. For individual items of similar size that are valued under this amount many of these items can still qualify with the addition of another small item.

List of Items that Qualify for FREE Shipping!Greetings from Tokyo once again!! This will be the last batch of weekend specials for the year and they will resume back up on the 14th of January.

For this Weekends Specials, RHDJapan will extend an additional 6% discount off our regular sale price for the following 9 Brands!!

HKB Sports


Fujita Engineering FEED





Super Now



Below are some examples on FREE Shipping Example of FREE Shipping (EMS)

We have created a quick reference link to show the individual items that qualify for FREE Shipping on individual purchases. For individual items of similar size that are valued under this amount many of these items can still qualify with the addition of another small item.

List of Items that Qualify for FREE Shipping!

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