Price Revision Notification: HKS Full Titanium Muffler Series Sep 1~
Hello once again, we have more price revision information, this time from HKS. HKS's full titanium muffler series (SUPERIOR specR, Hi-Power specR, SUPER TURBO MUFFLER TI) have price increases for the following body codes. These price increases go into effect from September 1st.

There is still time to get these items with our HKS Summer exhaust campaign!
Coupon Code: SummerHKSExhaustCampaign2024
Price Revision Notification: Toda Racing Sep 1~
Greetings from the RHDJapan team here in Osaka. Toda Racing has announced a series of price increases on many products in their catalogue. Starting from September 1st, the following parts will have price increases.

Price Revision Notification: TRUST GReddy TW-R Aluminum Radiators Sept
Greetings from the Mid-Summer heat of Osaka! TRUST / GReddy has announced a price increase on the long-running TW-R series Aluminum Radiators effective from September.
Any order placed must be confirmed by Aug 30, 8:00am JST to lock down the current pricing.

Summer & Obon Holiday 2024
Hello from the RHDJapan blog. It’s just about that time of year again, mid Summer when companies all throughout Japan close down in observance of Obon.

The majority of manufacturers will be closed from August 10th to the 15th. Companies with a longer holiday include the OEM manufacturers and the Works companies. For made to order items of 4 weeks or more, a 1 week delay in processing maybe applied, effective immediately.
The RHDJapan team will be off in observance of this holiday from the 12th to the 15th, shipping and processing orders every other day of the week. Please feel free to use our Stock Check feature for up to date availability information.
We apologize for any delays on your urgent items and will be working to process and ship out orders with utmost urgency. Wishing all a safe and enjoyable Summer Season in the northern hemisphere and a Wonderful Winter season in the Southern hemisphere.