Weekend Specials ~May 14
Hello from the RHDJapan blog. Reflecting over the Golden Week break about the Showa period realizing that many of the vehicles we grew up with are now highly sought after classics collectors items. Many vehicles are now rare and being able to own and maintain one can take lots of luck, extreme devotion and enthusiasm. Being able to own a JDM classic is not for the majority of us but owning a piece of JDM nostalgia is possible. The old school also had lots of great quality automotive related apparel, goods and other interesting bits. A couple of select items have been searched out and links added to the
Wishing all fun times and a little break from the daily grind, see you again next week!!
The following campaigns will all expire on May 14 8:30am Japan time:
at least additional 6%~ discount on ALL parts from the following JDM Brands: