HKS Spring Campaigns ~ May 17

We have some Spring HKS campaigns for you, 5% discount on ALL HKS Exhaust/Catalyzers!
Coupon Code: SpringHKSExhaustCampaign2024
Also get an additional 5% on ALL HKS Suspensions!
Coupon Code: SpringHKSSuspensionCampaign2024
In addition to these, the following items (SKU 263524 and SKU 306033) in stock will have the very rare HKS Folding Container 50L 50th Anniversary included!
This offer is available while these item's status display: In Stock: Ships the next business day
We also have further campaigns to come, so stay tuned!
Weekend Specials ~Dec 3
Hello from the RHDJapan blog and TGIF! As the calender turns to December this weekend, we have now entered the point where most shipments of 'made to order' items will be delayed until 2013. There is still some time for those in a hurry for the end of the year. If you are in a rush, please remember to check the Holiday Schedule prior to placing your order.
RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on some select manufacturers until 9:00a.m Monday, December 3
This additional discount will also be further applied to all items on Clearance!!
Coil Over Campaign ~Limited
Project Mu Double Up Campaign ~Dec 14
D-Max Big Aero Campaign ~Limited
10% off all Okuyama/Carbing Products ~2013
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~Dec 21
SARD Catalyzer Campaign ~Jan 31
Charity Campaigns