New Release: Project MU HC+R3 Compound Brake Pads
Greetings from the RHDJapan blog. We are excited to announce the new addition of the Hyper Carbon Plus series pads from Project Mu. Available for a few select popular vehicles with high performing factory brake system. The HC+R3 series improves combat power for circuit attack while maintaining great composure on street application.
Weekend Specials D1Lights Edition ~Aug 11
Thank you for checking the RHDJapan blog. In addition to the Obon Holiday schedule that was listed earlier on the blog the RHDJapan team will be away from the office on the 10th in observance of national holiday

This weekend marks Round 2 of the D1Lights Drift Series in which the drivers will be facing off at Nikko Circuit.
Despite the venues being closed to spectators we feel lucky to get the opportunity to watch the Live Streaming coverage of the events. Whether inside or outside Japan we can enjoy the festivities in real time.

Because of the many event and team sponsors that help make this event possible RHDJapan will be including select brands within this batch of weekend specials! This batch of weekend specials will also be extended for 1 extra day!
RHDJapan Freebies 2019 Round 6
Hello and Seasons Greetings! We are about to go on a Festive round of FREEBIES to close out the year. With the help of your support we have been able to collect quite a bit of different goods and products from a variety of great JDM Brands.
Round #6
Dixcel Thermal Strips
A great extra item for those looking to gather data and fine tune braking system for optimum performance.
*Offers will require an order to be processed or a processing order
**Only one FREEBIE offer available per order