Skyline GT-R BNR32 BCNR33 BNR34 Special Campaign ~Aug 31 08:30JST

Double Reward Point Up Campaign ~June 1
Greetings from the RHDJapan blogspot and HQ in Osaka. As we warm up for the Hot Summer of campaigns, we are kicking off with a Reward Point Up Campaign, starting immediately.
As many of our customers are already aware of the benefits of our Reward Point Program, we will be Doubling-Up reward points applied to not just orders, but also the many other different methods that can be used to bump up points. From new orders placed on the site to product reviews, invitations sent to register and even an extra large bonus points applied for the first order placed via these newly invited accounts. A great opportunity to spend a little time in your account to boost up points for the next special order with your JDM connection, RHDJapan.

Double Reward Points for:
Orders placed: JPY400 = 1 Point -> JPY400 = 2 Points
Newsletter Signup: 100 -> 200
Converting Invitation to Customer: 20 -> 40 (maximum cap raised from Qty 10 -> 20)
Converting Invitation to Order: 200 -> 400
Review Submission: 20 -> 40 (maximum cap raised from Qty 20 -> 40)
In addition we will be offering Blow Out Special discounts on select items, guaranteed to be the best price anywhere! Offers will be made strictly on items in stock and ready for immediate shipping! These announcements will be made on a daily basis via our Instagram / Facebook posts.