Price Revision: TODA Racing Muffler/EX Manifold May 1~
We have received notification of price revision on select Muffler/Exhaust Manifold related parts from TODA Racing. Prices will change from on orders processed from May 1st. RHDJapan last day for guarantee of current pricing will be on orders with confirmed payment by April 26th 08:30.

-Accord: CL7
-Civic: EK9 EP3 FD2 FN2
-Integra: DC2 DC5 DB8
-S2000: AP1 AP2
-SwiftSport ZC31S ZC32S
-Trueno / Levin AE86 FT86 ZN6
Fujitsubo Summer Campaign ~Sept 30
Thank you for visiting the RHDJapan blog. We are extremely proud to announce another great campaign from Fujitsubo!
Get an additional 5% discount on the whole lineup for the whole summer!
For items not already listed on RHDJapan please make a request through the contact form.
Tomei Exhaust Manifold Campaign ~Dec 25
Thank you for checking the RHDJapan blog. With the changing of the seasons also comes new campaigns to finish off the last quarter of the year. This year is very special with the half century anniversary of one of the top names in JDM tuning performance, Tomei!
In celebration, RHDJapan is extending an additional 15% discount off of the whole Expreme Exhaust Manifold Series!
TODA Racing Pre-Price Increase Campaign ~Feb 28
Thank you for checking the RHDJapan Blog. We have received heads up about a price increase coming from TODA Racing that will be happening from the beginning of March. Price increase of up to 13% on select exhaust / manifold related parts. In the meantime RHDJapan will be providing an additional discount on the below sub-categories for the rest of the month.
Exhaust Mufflers
Exhaust Manifolds
Outlet & Front Pipes
Catalytic Convertors
HPI Exhaust Manifold & Turbine Line Campaign ~Feb 27
Thank you for checking out the RHDJapan blog. Announcing another campaign bringing more value for high quality JDM Parts. Specifically for SR20DET applications this offer is for those looking to get the most out of the standard turbo layout. For those looking to pickup the excellent quality exhaust manifold will get the full oil and water line set as a FREE Service! Allowing for easy fitting and removal and secure seal. Squeeze out that extra bit of power from your turbo setup and do it right!