RHDJapan Blog Blog on JDM news, racing, drifting and thoughts from Osaka


Weekend Specials ~Oct 17

Greetings from Tokyo and welcome to the RHDJapan Blog. Last week we did not have any Weekend Specials as I was away extending my Summer Season a little bit longer while enjoying my Honeymoon in Vietnam. Honeymoons only happen once and from here on out we will continue with our traditional Weekend Specials every weekend.

Furama Resort Da Nang Vietnam Oct 2011

This batch of Weekend Specials will include a mix of 10 different brands ranging from the small niche manufacturers to the well known global brands. All parts from these manufacturers will have an additional discount of 6% applied until 9:00am Oct 17 (JST).




HKB Sports


Hyper REV

Kyo-Ei / KICS




*Additional discounts will be applied when items are added to the shopping cart.

The additional discount will also be applied to any of the RHDJapan Clearance Items

In conjunction we have the Weekday Pop Specials which will be available for the same time frame and also includes more great specials.




TEIN Coilover Campaign ~While supplies last

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Un grand bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur le Blog de RHDJapan!! le week end dernier nous n'avons pas fait de Week End specials, puisque Patrick qui nous concocte ça toutes les semaines a étendu un peu son plaisir estival en partant en lune de miel avec sa ravissante jeune épouse au Vietnam, et vous le savez une lune de miel ça n'arrive qu'une fois, on l'a lâché un peu et on l'a laissé en profiter 🙂 *Encore toutes nos felicitation SuperPatrick*

Oui c'est là qu'il était, à Da Nang Vietnam Oct 2011

Cette série des promos du week end inclu un mix de 10 marques différentes rangé par ordre croissant de popularité, et comme toujours on ajoute une remise de 6% sur le tout et ce jusqu'au 17 octobre 9:00 am, heure de Tokyo.




HKB Sports


Hyper REV

Kyo-Ei / KICS




*La remise supplémentaire est appliquée une fois l'article ajoutée au Caddie.

Et comme toujours, elle est aussi valable sur les articles de RHDJapan en liquidation


TEIN Coilover Campaign ~While supplies last

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Offres caritatives

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt


Weekday Pop Specials ~Oct 18 9:00am (JST)

Hello from the RHDJapan team and blog. For those who have become accustomed to the great many campaigns that we continually make available along with the ritual Weekend Specials we are providing one more reason to continually check back on the RHDJapan blog with the Weekday Pop Special!!

This round will include all BRIDE Floormats and anything else that is purchase along with them!!

The discount structure will be a little bit different than our Weekend Specials and will provide more incentive to consolidate your orders with RHDJapan.
The discount rates for our Weekend Specials are 6% on all parts per the manufacturers listed however with the Weekday Pop Special the discount rate will be 4% applied to everything in your shopping cart!

These specials will be more random in timing and time-frame, running from one day up to three and will normally be only a couple select brands. Included will be brands that are normally not seen on the weekend specials nor on regular campaigns.

This batch will include the highly popular floormats from BRIDE and it will be going on until OCT 18, 9:00am (JST)

The brands that will be included are as follows:

BRIDE Floormats


RHDJapan Clearance Items



TEIN Coilover Campaign ~While supplies last

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Bonjour à tous. Ceux d'entre vous qui sont devenus des afficionados du Blog de RHDJapan à cause des offres promotionnelles que nous sortons continuellement, ainsi que de nos traditionnelles Promos du Week End, voici encore une nouvelle bonne raison de rester à nos côtés avec les Promos *pop* de la Semaine !!

Cette nouvelle manche va concerner tous les tapis de sol BRIDE et tout ce qui sera acheté en même temps !!

La remise supplémentaire se présente de façon un peu différente que pour les Promos du Week End et sera d'autant plus importante si vous en profiter pour regrouper vos achats.

en général, nos remises supplémentaires sont de 6% sur les Promos du Week End et concerne les articles d'une liste de marques, en revanche les Promos *pop* de la Semaine vous offrent une remise de 4% sur l'ensemble de votre Caddie dès lors que l'un des articles éligible y est ajouté!!

Ces Promos Spéciales vont apparaître de façon beaucoup plus aléatoires tant dans leur durée que dans leur fréquence, elles pourrons durer de 1 à 3 jours et en général seule une petite sélection de marques sera éligible, mais ce sera l'occasion d'y croiser des marques que vous ne voyez que trop rarement dans les Promos du Week End ou dans les offres Promotionnelles Classiques.

Pour cette série, on n'y va pas de main morte, et cela porte sur les Tapis de Sol BRIDE qui sont si populaires et cela va durer jusqu'au 6 Septembre, 9:00 am (Heure de Tokyo)

BRIDE Floormats


Articles RHDJapan en liquidation


APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt


TEIN Coilover Campaign ~While Supplies Last

Welcome to the RHDJapan Blog. This will be our first new campaign for the month of October and we have a couple more great ones in the works, please stay tuned!

The Tokyo Sky Tree! 634 meters of massiveness!

We have been informed that TEIN will be discontinuing a couple of their flagship Coilovers series. Included in the discontinuation will be the Super Street, Super Wagon and Super Compact lineups. Once the current stock is sold out the lineup will end. RHDJapan will be extending an additional discount of 9% on the suspension until everything is sold out. This will be the biggest discount on these flagship lineups that we have ever been able to make available!! If interested please act quickly before current stock is completely sold out.

Super Street:

TEIN Super Street Coilover EP3 DC5
TEIN Super Street Coilover EP82 EP91 ZZT231
TEIN Super Street Coilover Evo I- IX Z16A 3000GT
TEIN Super Street Coilover FC3S SE3P NCEC
TEIN Super Street Coilover FD3S NA NB
TEIN Super Street Coilover GC8 GDA GDB
TEIN Super Street Coilover JZS SXE JZA JZZ JZX
TEIN Super Street Coilover NA1 CL DC EG EK EF BB
TEIN Super Street Coilover R32 R33 R34 Z32
TEIN Super Street Coilover S13 S14 S15
TEIN Super Street Coilover ST202 ST205
TEIN Super Street Coilover Subaru Impreza GRB GH8 Legacy BE5
TEIN Super Street Coilover SW20 ZZW30 ST185 ST202
TEIN Super Street Coilover w/o Uppers Mounts JZS SXE JZA JZZ JZX
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Nissan Stagea NM35 PNM35
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover NZE121 ZZE123 Allex Runx

Super Wagon:

TEIN Super Wagon Coilover EA EC
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Honda Odyssey RB1
Tein Super Wagon Damper Coilover WGNC34
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Nissan Stagea NM35 PNM35
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover NZE121 ZZE123 Allex Runx

Up to date stock and other lineup information can be found at the links below. Please check availability prior to purchase and feel free to inquiry with us for available lineups that are not currently listed on the RHDJapan.com site.

Super Street
Super Wagon
Super Compact


RHDJapan Clearance Items



APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de RHDJapan, voici notre première campagne promotionnelle du mois d'Octobre et nous en avons encore une paire qui vont arriver, c'est le moment où jamais de rester fidèle au poste !!

La Tokyo Sky Tree! 634 m de haut!

Nous venons d'être informés que TEIN allait cesser de fabriquer plusieurs de leurs séries les plus représentatives. Ceci inclus les gammes Super Street, Super Wagon et Super Compact. Une fois que le stock actuel sera épuisé il ne sera plus possible de s'en procurer.

RHDJapan ajoute une remise de 9% supplémentaire sur ces suspensions jusqu'à épuisement des stocks, et ceci représente la plus grosse remise jamais proposée sur ces articles !! Si vous etes intéressés, merci de placer votre commande rapidement avant que tout ait disparu !!

Super Street:

TEIN Super Street Coilover EP3 DC5
TEIN Super Street Coilover EP82 EP91 ZZT231
TEIN Super Street Coilover Evo I- IX Z16A 3000GT
TEIN Super Street Coilover FC3S SE3P NCEC
TEIN Super Street Coilover FD3S NA NB
TEIN Super Street Coilover GC8 GDA GDB
TEIN Super Street Coilover JZS SXE JZA JZZ JZX
TEIN Super Street Coilover NA1 CL DC EG EK EF BB
TEIN Super Street Coilover R32 R33 R34 Z32
TEIN Super Street Coilover S13 S14 S15
TEIN Super Street Coilover ST202 ST205
TEIN Super Street Coilover Subaru Impreza GRB GH8 Legacy BE5
TEIN Super Street Coilover SW20 ZZW30 ST185 ST202
TEIN Super Street Coilover w/o Uppers Mounts JZS SXE JZA JZZ JZX
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Nissan Stagea NM35 PNM35
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover NZE121 ZZE123 Allex Runx

Super Wagon:

TEIN Super Wagon Coilover EA EC
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Honda Odyssey RB1
Tein Super Wagon Damper Coilover WGNC34
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Nissan Stagea NM35 PNM35
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover NZE121 ZZE123 Allex Runx

Des informations de l'état des stocks mis à jour peuvent êtres vues depuis ce lien. Merci d'en verifier la disponibilité avant de faire votre achat, et n'hésitez pas à nous demander si vous souhaitez acquérir des suspensions qui ne sont pas listées ci-dessous.

Super Street
Super Wagon
Super Compact


RHDJapan Clearance Items



APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Benvenuti all'interno del nostro Blog! Questa sarà la nostra prima offerta per il mese di ottobre, e abbiamo un altro paio di offerte a cui stiamo lavorando.

La nuovissima Tokyo Sky Tree! con i suoi imponenti 634 metri!

Siamo stati informati che TEIN metterà fuori produzione alcune delle loro più importanti Serie. Incluse sono anche le serie "Super Street", "Super Wagon" e "Super Compact". Una volta esaurite le scorte non saranno più disponibili.

RHDJapan vi offre un aggiuntivo sconto del 9% su tutti questi ammortizzatori fino a esaurimento scorte!

Questo è il più grande sconto storico che siamo riusciti a creare per questi grandissimi ammortizzatori. Se siete interessati vi preghiamo di agire in fretta in modo da non perdere lo stock disponibile!

Super Street:

TEIN Super Street Coilover EP3 DC5
TEIN Super Street Coilover EP82 EP91 ZZT231
TEIN Super Street Coilover Evo I- IX Z16A 3000GT
TEIN Super Street Coilover FC3S SE3P NCEC
TEIN Super Street Coilover FD3S NA NB
TEIN Super Street Coilover GC8 GDA GDB
TEIN Super Street Coilover JZS SXE JZA JZZ JZX
TEIN Super Street Coilover NA1 CL DC EG EK EF BB
TEIN Super Street Coilover R32 R33 R34 Z32
TEIN Super Street Coilover S13 S14 S15
TEIN Super Street Coilover ST202 ST205
TEIN Super Street Coilover Subaru Impreza GRB GH8 Legacy BE5
TEIN Super Street Coilover SW20 ZZW30 ST185 ST202
TEIN Super Street Coilover w/o Uppers Mounts JZS SXE JZA JZZ JZX
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Nissan Stagea NM35 PNM35
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover NZE121 ZZE123 Allex Runx

Super Wagon:

TEIN Super Wagon Coilover EA EC
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Honda Odyssey RB1
Tein Super Wagon Damper Coilover WGNC34
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover Nissan Stagea NM35 PNM35
TEIN Super Wagon Coilover NZE121 ZZE123 Allex Runx

Per informazioni aggiornati sulle quantità in stock utilizzate i link sottostanti:
Super Street
Super Wagon
Super Compact

Vi preghiamo di controllare la disponibilità di magazzino PRIMA di effettuare l'ordine. Sentitevi liberissimi di contattarci per richieste su ammortizzatori disponibili ma non ancora presenti all'interno del nostro sito.

Molti altri articoli in Liquidazione sono stati aggiunti al nostro sito durante la settimana. Se il tasto "aggiungi al carrello" è visibile allora la parte è ancora disponibile!

Vi ricordiamo inoltre che la direzione di RHDJapan ha deciso di non offrire più alcun supporto in lingua Italiana. Per qualsiasi informazione o supporto vi preghiamo di contattarci UNICAMENTE in INGLESE tramite il modulo di contatto del nostro sito o a questo indirizzo: rhdjapan@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Weekday Pop Specials & Holiday ~Oct 6

Welcome to the RHDJapan Blog. Next Monday will be 'Taiku no Hi' Health and Fitness day here in Japan which is a National Holiday. The RHDJapan team will be away from the office on the 10th in observance of this Holiday.

This is our 8th listing  for our Weekday Pop Specials and this round will have 5 manufacturers and will be lasting for 3 days.

This year will mark the 45th annual 'Taiku no Hi'. It was started to commorate the Tokyo Olympics

Weekday Pop Special will have a 4% discount applied to everything in your shopping cart with the purchase of any of the parts from the manufacturers listed below.

This round will be going on until Oct 6, 9:00am (JST)




RAY'S Engineering (Everything but Wheels, please inquiry directly for wheel info)

RS Watanabe

*Additional discounts will be applied when items are added to the shopping cart.
**The additional discount will also be applied to any of the items on clearance:

RHDJapan Clearance Items

In conjunction we have the Weekday Pop Specials which will be available for the same time frame which also includes 4 more great JDM manufacturers.


APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de RHDJapan! Lundi prochain sera férié, ce sera le "Taiku no Hi", autrement dit le jour du sport et de la santé ici au Japon, et comme d'habitude toute l'équipe de RHDJapan va profiter de la journée.

Voici notre 8ème listing des Promos *PoP* de la Semaine et pour ce round, nous avons 5 fabricants et cela va durer 3 jours!

Cette année marque le 45ème anniversaire du "Taiku no Hi" qui a été lancé pour la commémoration des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo en 1964

Les promos *PoP* de la Semaine vous permettent d'avoir une remise de 4% appliquée à l'intégralité de votre Caddie pour l'achat d'une pièce de l'un des fabricants listés ci-dessous.

Ce round va durer jusqu'au 6 octobre, 9:00 am, heure de Tokyo.




RAY'S Engineering (Tout sauf pour les jantes, merci de prendre contact directement pour un devis!)

RS Watanabe

* La remise additionnelle est appliquée lorsque les articles sont ajoutés au Caddie.
** La remise additionnelle s'applique aussi sur n'importe lequel des articles en Liquidation:

Articles RHDJapan en liquidation


APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt