Welcome to the RHDJapan blog! Here is a great campaign to highlight some more great savings from RHDJapan. This campaign includes a couple different discounts which add up to be by far the best pricing available. As noted in the previous blogs we now automatically apply discounts when purchasing more than one item from select brands. TODA Racing is one example in which we provide a JPY800 discount per each item over Qty1 purchased.
In addition, we are extending a 5% discount on any of the TODA Timing Belts when purchased in Qty 5 or higher. This is also on top of the Multiple Quantity Discount that is applied when several of the same part number is being purchased.
Therefore in this campaign we would have a JPY3200 discount for Multiple Qty purchased of TODA product. A 5% (JPY4372) discount is further deducted in observation of this campaign. Further more the unit price of the item is reduced from JPY18749 to JPY18127 for another overall reduction of JPY3110.
With over JPY10,000 in additional discount this savings is enough to consider stocking up or going in as a group buy.

TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - EJ20
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - AE101 AE111 4A-GE Black Top
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - 4G63
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - 3S-GE
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - AE101 4A-GE Silver Top
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - AE86 AW11 AE92
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - Roadster B6 BP
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - B16A
TODA RACING High Power Timing Belt - B16B B18C
Welcome back to the RHDJapan blog! We are back with some more exciting campaign information available only with RHDJapan!!
This will be a double campaign with both discounts and free goods available on select ARC products. For those interested in the free goods but not the available ARC products, we have something for you as well!
ARC has been well known in the tuning scene as one of the premium manufacturers out of Japan. Over the last couple months there have been some changes in the ARC lineup and unfortunately several items have now been discontinued.
Some of the items that have been discontinued will still be available through RHDJapan while stock lasts.
RHDJapan will be extending an additional 7% discount on these discontinued items.
ARC Super Intake Chamber AE111
ARC Super Intake Chamber NB8C

ARC Titanium Tower Bar Z33 CPV35
ARC Front Wing Lip Spoiler ABS BNR32 BCNR33 S14 EK4 CN9A CP9A CT9A
In addition to the discount, RHDJapan will also be including one piece of the ARC Wind Master with any order from the items listed above.

RHDJapan will also gladly include one of the Wind Masters with the purchase of any intercooler kit, radiator or oil cooler kit that is available on our site!
Use the pinpoint search to easily go through the 165 different intercooler kits available!!
Use the pinpoint search to easily go through the 60 different oil cooler kits available!!
Use the pinpoint search to easily go through the 95 different radiators available!!
Please add the part number for the Wind Master that you would like into the comments section at checkout:
Gold : WMF-B
Silver : WMO-S
Gold : WMO-G
Blue : WMO-B

Bienvenue sur notre Blog.
Nous allons une fois encore vous diffuser des informations qu'RHDjapan transforme en promotions!!
voici donc une double campagne avec à la fois des réductions et à la fois des articles offerts sur toute une sélection de produits ARC.
Ceux d'entre vous qui voudraient profiter des articles que nous offrons en cadeau mais pas par des articles de chez ARC ne devraient pas tourner les talons trop vite, nous avons également pensé à vous!
ARC est un des acteurs bien connu du monde du tuning, même hors Japon pour la qualité de ses produits.
Ces derniers mois ARC a procédé à des modifications de sa gamme et malheureusement, certains de leurs articles ne seront plus reconduits.
Certains de ces articles restent cependant encore disponible via RHDJapan jusqu'à épuisement des stocks.
RHDJapan ajoute 7% de remise sur ces articles qui sont amenés à disparaître.
ARC Super Intake Chamber AE111
ARC Super Intake Chamber NB8C

ARC Titanium Tower Bar Z33 CPV35
ARC Front Wing Lip Spoiler ABS BNR32 BCNR33 S14 EK4 CN9A CP9A CT9A
En plus de la remise supplémentaire, RHDJapan offre pour toute commande de l'un de ces articles ci dessus un ARC Wind Master.

Mais c'est avec le plus grand des plaisirs que RHDJapan en offre également un pour tout achat d'un kit intercooler, radiateur ou kit oil cooler disponible sur notre site Internet!!
165 modèles différents de kits intercooler !!
60 sortes de kit oil cooler différents!!
Et un choix de plus de 95 radiateurs!!
Il vous suffit d'ajouter d'ajouter le numéro de référence du Wind Master que vous souhaitez recevoir dans la case prévue pour les commentaires au moment où vous procédez à la commande :
or : WMF-B
argent : WMO-S
or : WMO-G
bleu : WMO-B

Bentornati nuovamente all'interno del nostro blog! Siamo tornati con alcune fantastiche informazioni disponibili solo in RHDJapan per tutti voi!
Questa sarà un offerta a doppio vantaggio, con sia sconti e sia prodotti in omaggio! il tutto disponibile su alcuni degli ottimi prodotti di ARC.
Per coloro che fossero interessati agli omaggi ma non ai prodotti ARC, abbiamo qualcosa anche per voi!
ARC si è guadagnata a piena regola sulla scena tuning il titolo di una delle migliori marche Giapponesi. In questi ultimi mesi ci sono state alcune modifiche ai loro cataloghi e, sfortunatamente, alcuni prodotti sono usciti di produzione.
Alcuni dei prodotti che sono usciti di produzione saranno ancora disponibili in RHDJapan ad un prezzo scontato questo fino ad esaurimento scorte.
RHDJapan estenderà a tutti voi uno sconto aggiuntivo del 7% su tutti questi prodotti.
ARC Super Intake Chamber AE111
ARC Super Intake Chamber NB8C

ARC Titanium Tower Bar Z33 CPV35
ARC Front Wing Lip Spoiler ABS BNR32 BCNR33 S14 EK4 CN9A CP9A CT9A
In aggiunta allo sconto, RHDJapan vi includerà IN OMAGGIO un ARC Wind Master per ogni ordine delle parti elencate precedentemente.

RHDJapan sarà anche felice di includere IN OMAGGIO un ARC Wind Master per ogni acquisto di qualsiasi kit Intercooler, Radiatori o kit raffredamento olio disponibili nel nostro sito.
Usa la ricerca "Pin-Point" per sfogliare tutti i kit intercooler!!
Usa la ricerca "Pin-Point" per sfogliare tutti i Kit raffredamento olio!!
Usa la ricerca "Pin-Point" per sfogliare tutti i Radiatori!
Cortesemente, aggiungete il codice prodotto dell'ARC Wind Master che desiderate nello spazio commenti durante l'ordine:
Oro : WMF-B
Argento : WMO-S
Oro : WMO-G
Blu : WMO-B

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com
A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!