Weekend Specials ~April 13
Greetings from the RHDJapan blog! Yes!! The site is looking great with it's new skin we are sure that the shopping experience provided by RHDJapan will be even more pleasurable!
starting with this blog entry all of the Weekend Special related items will be upgraded to the new Time Sale marker!
RHDJapan is also excited to also introduce a great campaign that will allow for up to 15% additional discount on select brake pads by Project Mu!
Super Weekend Qty Specials (6% & JPY1000 for 2nd item, JPY500 for each additional item):
Standard Weekend Specials (6% discount):
Weekend Specials ~April 6
Greetings from the RHDJapan team and full bloom of cherry blossoms.
Along with a generous batch of other brands we will also be including a couple extra SPRING specialists in celebration of the season!
Still available: Big one-time offer for the the HKS 2.1L Stroker Kit for 86/BR-Z!
Get a little extra discount and super nice towel with the purchase of any muffler!
and a little extra discount and a super nice Fleece with any suspension setup!
Super Weekend Qty Specials (6% & JPY1000 for 2nd item, JPY500 for each additional item):
Standard Weekend Specials (6% discount):
Weekend Specials + Holiday ~Jan 12
Greetings from the RHDJapan blog and team. With the beginning of the New Year also comes the annual Tokyo Auto Salon, until the event is over some continual delays can occur on certain manufacturers. Business throughout the industry will be back at full throttle starting from this upcoming week. We would like to extend a thank you to for your patience over the last couple weeks.
In addition, Monday the 12th will be 'Seijin-no-Hi' or Coming Of Age Day which another National Holiday and this batch of specials will be extended one extra day!
On this special day there are ceremonies for the youth turning 20 as they become adults. Some people like to use this day as a last opportunity to bend the laws as a last salute to the rebellious youth. Anyway, congratulations to all that are turning 20 this year or becoming a full-fledged adult this year.
6% off all parts in these brands:
Brands with 6% & Multiple Qty Discount (additional JPY500 discount per item purchased from same brand):
Weekend Specials ~Dec 14
Hello and Seasons Greetings from RHDJapan. As the year unwinds we would like to give a big thanks to all who have supported us throughout the year. In the Holiday Spirit we are going to continue with a bunch of extra brands in this batch of Weekend Specials to go along with the different promotions and campaigns listed on the site.
The old APP S15 the first D1GP machine that we got to be a part of!
As we do every week for the weekend specials we will be offering an additional 6% off The weekend specials and this offer will expire on Monday midnight JST, please check the timer on the site to place your order in time!!
Extra Special savings on these brands which will also have a Qty Discount available! This will be an additional discount of JPY1000 for the 2nd item purchased and +JPY500 for each additional item purchased from the same manufacturer!
Double up Discounted Brands:
Standard Weekend Special Discounted Brands:
Weekend Specials ~Dec 8 & Year End Holiday Schedule
Hello from the RHDJapan blog spot and Seasons Greetings to all. As we now enter the last couple weeks of the year the RHDJapan team is working full boost to get as much orders out before we enter the Holiday Season. Our last shipping day will be on the 26th and we will be shipping once again starting from the 5th day of 2015. In the meantime the website will be open and orders will continue to process and questions attended to. 2014 has been another great year for RHDJapan and give lots of thanks to our most dearest customers around the globe. In return we will continue to put out more great campaigns and freebies so stay tuned with RHDJapan!
As this batch of Weekend Specials was started a little bit late we will be extending this round for an extra 30 hours. In the spirit of the season we will once again offer the same big batch that was offered on Thanksgiving and Labor Day.
師走 (Shiwasu), the rush at the end of the year to get things done.
As we do every week for the weekend specials we will be offering an additional 6% off The weekend specials and this offer will expire on Monday midnight JST, please check the timer on the site to place your order in time!!
Extra Special savings on these brands which will also have a Qty Discount available! This will be an additional discount of JPY1000 for the 2nd item purchased and +JPY500 for each additional item purchased from the same manufacturer!
Double up Discounted Brands:
KTSStandard Weekend Special Discounted Brands:
Weekend Specials & Holiday Schedule ~Nov 24
Hello from the RHDJapan blog spot! The Kansai area has cooled down significantly and the turning of the leaves, 紅葉, has begun. In this round of Weekend Specials we will also be introducing Weekend Special brands that also can be doubled up with quantity discounts! Please check information below
This Monday the 24th Japan will be having a National Holiday of Thanksgiving & Labor day. The RHDJapan team will also be off in observation of the holiday. The RHDJapan website will continually processing orders and we will also have a couple extra special manufactures included in this special batch. Lastly, we will also be extending the Weekend Specials for another day as well.
As we do every week for the weekend specials we will be offering an additional 6% off The weekend specials and this offer will expire on Monday midnight JST, please check the timer on the site to place your order in time!!
Extra Special savings on these brands which will also have a Qty Discount available! This will be an additional discount of JPY1000 for the 2nd item purchased and +JPY500 for each additional item purchased from the same manufacturer!
Double up Discounted Brands:
KTSStandard Weekend Special Discounted Brands:
Weekend Specials ~Sept 29
Hello from the RHDJapan team and blog. RHDJapan is proud to announce that our Autumn Clutch Campaign has just started up and will be available for the next four weeks! Pricing on the site has also been refined for just about all products and in the customers favor!
In addition we have been informed that Mazda OEM items will have another price increase starting October 1st. In the meantime RHDJapan will extend a pre-price increase campaign for the whole Mazda OEM lineup for the rest of the month. For those who would like to take advantage of this offer please enter the following coupon code at checkout:
Don't forget to checkout the Reward Point system on the site for a much more significant points!
In order to redeem your discount please use the following code at checkout from the site:
Filter the manufacturers for parts much easier now!
Weekend Specials & Autumn Equinox ~Sept 24
Hello from the RHDJapan team and blog. This week we have been able to finally released a much improved version of the Pinpoint Search making it much easier to sort and filter results through the vast amount of JDM goodies on the RHDJapan site. Instead of going back and forth from search to the results they are now displayed together which will allow to start broad and narrow down as necessary creating a nicer user experience at RHDJapan.
The 23rd will be another National Holiday as we enter a perfect balance of night and day marking the change of the seasons. With the National Holiday the team will be away from the office on Tuesday. The Weekend Specials will be extended an extra 2 days!
秋分の日(Shuubun-no-hi) The Autumn Equinox
We have been informed that Mazda OEM items will have another price increase starting October 1st. In the meantime RHDJapan will extend a pre-price increase campaign for the whole Mazda OEM lineup for the rest of the month. For those who would like to take advantage of this offer please enter the following coupon code at checkout:
Don't forget to checkout the Reward Point system on the site for a much more significant points!
In order to redeem your discount please use the following code at checkout from the site:
Filter the manufacturers for parts much easier now!
Weekend Specials Special10% & Holiday Schedule ~Sept 16
Thank you for visiting the RHDJapan blog, we will make sure that there is a discount available for all so please read to the end! This week we have started up a great campaign for the GP Sports Super Knuckles and have also created a bunch more of our new Special10% offers which will be listed below this batch of Weekend Specials. In addition we have re-evaluated the Reward Point system on the site for a much more significant points!
The RHDJapan team will be away from the office this upcoming Monday the 15th in observance of another National Holiday
of 敬老の日 (keirou-no-hi) Respect for the Aged Day
Therefore this batch of Weekend Specials will be extended another day!
In order to redeem your discount please use the following code at checkout from the site:
Filter the manufacturers for parts much easier now!
If you made it this far and still do not see any offers that apply to the items you are after we will do a special offer of 3% off the whole shopping cart with the coupon code: RespectfortheAged
Just remember to try to do something courteous to the elders.