Weekend Specials ~Sept 26
Hello from Tokyo and the RHDJapan team. We had a direct hit with the Typhoon yesterday which was a very rare happening for Tokyo. Our evening packages could not be shipped however they were picked up first thing this morning. There will be no other delays from the Typhoon.
The 23rd will be the last National Holiday of Silver Week and the RHDJapan team will be away from the office in observance of the Equinox. This will be the last blog post of the Summer and we will be back with more great specials in the Fall.
Celebrating the perfect balance between night and day all across the globe.
All items from all manufacturers listed below will be available for the Weekend Special until Sept 26 9:00am JST!!
In celebration of the Silver Week and the Equinox we will have an unprecedented amount of manufacturers included
All products for 38 different manufacturers!!
ATS & Across
Backyard Special
Cyber Stork
Freeway Dolphin
Fujita Engineering FEED
Garage Vary
HKB Sports
Hyper Rev
J's Racing
JUN Auto
Neko Corporation
RS Watanabe
Sigma Speed
Super Now
Works Bell
Zero Sports
*Additional discounts will be applied when items are added to the shopping cart.
**The additional discount will also be applied to any of the items on clearance:
Car Make T&E Vertex Aerokit Campaign ~Sept30
SARD Catalyzer Campaign ~Sept 30
SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14
Charity Campaigns
Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability
Weekend Specials Doubled Up! ~Sept 26 Silver Week
Hello from the RHDJapan team and welcome back to our blog.
This upcoming week is known as Silver Week in which Monday the 19th and Friday the 23rd are National Holidays.
The RHDJapan team will be away from the office in observance on these two days and be processing orders as normal on the days in between.
Silver Week marks the end of the great Summer season and the welcoming of the Autumn
With Silver Week on the way we would like to spice up this batch of weekend specials by extending it for a total of 10 days.
All items will be available for the Weekend Special discount for the next two weekends, ~Sept 26 9:00am JST!!
In addition, we will be doubling up the the brands included for a total of 25 different manufacturers!!
8 more manufacturers are also on Weekday Pop Special until the 20th!!
These combined campaigns will include 1000's of items. Some from the well known manufacturers
along with many of the discreet niche JDM manufacturers!! For many of the brands, this will be the first time for any campaign discount.
ATS & Across
Freeway Dolphin
Garage Vary
Hyper Rev
J's Racing
Neko Corporation
Sigma Speed
Zero Sports
Added Sept 22
*Additional discounts will be applied when items are added to the shopping cart.
**The additional discount will also be applied to any of the items on clearance:
Car Make T&E Vertex Aerokit Campaign ~Sept30
SARD Catalyzer Campaign ~Sept 30
SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14
Charity Campaigns
Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability
Un grand bonjour du Japon et de toute l'équipe de RHDJapan!!
Bienvenue sur notre Blog!
La semaine qui arrive est connue au Japon pour être la Silver Week, et Lundi et Vendredi seront fériés, toute l'équipe de RHDJapan traitera les commandes normalement dans le milieu de la semaine!
La Silver Week marque la fin de la saison estivale.
Comme la semaine est entre deux longs, très longs week end, on va faire durer le tout 10 jours!!
Tous les articles qualifiés pour les Promos du Week end vont réster en promo pour les deux prochains week end soit
All items will be available for the Weekend Special discount for the next two weekends, soit jusqu'au 26 septembre !!
Et en plus, on double la mise avec plus de 25 marques différentes !!
Tout ceci couvre plus d'un milier d'articles et certains sont de très célèbres fabricants
ATS & Across
Freeway Dolphin
Garage Vary
Hyper Rev
J's Racing
Neko Corporation
Sigma Speed
Zero Sports
*La remise supplémentaire s'applique une fois l'article ajouté au Caddie .
Car Make T&E Vertex Aerokit Campaign ~Sept30
SARD Catalyzer Campaign ~Sept 30
SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14
Charity Campaigns
Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability
Apparel, Goods & Things +OverRide Campaign ~April 28
Welcome back to the RHDJapan blog where we introduce great campaigns consistently to our customers and dealers all across the globe. With the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom here in Tokyo RHDJapan will be bumping up the campaigns in quantity and savings for the rest of the month, please keep posted!
With most of our campaigns focusing on tuning parts, this campaign will provide a little something a little bit different from regular campaigns.
This campaign will provide and additional 8% discount on everything in our Apparel, Goods & Keychains, Stickers, Magazines, Books& DVD's categories.
It will be in effect immediately and will be ongoing until the 28th of the month.
For the items in other campaigns that overlap with this campaign, such as the Works Campaign, the higher % discount in this campaign will OverRide the other campaign!
This is an exciting campaign that will extend a significant discount on over 50 different brands and 100's of items! Check bottom of listing to see all of the brands included!
Includes: shirts, towels, gloves, jackets, hats, badges,
overalls, shoes, socks, wristbands and sun glasses
Goods & Keychains
Includes: watches, neck strap, pins, tape, pens, phone strap,
bags, brief cases, wallets, phone cases, lighters, umbrellas and emblems
Aimgain, APP, Auto Select, Bee-R, BLITZ, Billion, Border,
C-West, Central 20, Colt Speed, Cusco, CRUISE,
Drift Spec Cosmetics, ENKEI, Fujita Engineering (FEED), FEEL's, G-Corporation, Garson,
GT-1 Motorsport, JUN, Kids Heart, M&M Honda, MoonFace, Mugen,
Nagisa, NISMO, Nissan, Okuyama, Power Enterprise, Phoenix's Power, Project Mu,
R-Magic,Ralliart, RAYS, Revolution, RE-Amemiya,
SARD, Sessions, SPOON, Suzuki Sport,
STI, TEIN, Tommy Kaira, Tomei, TRD, The Man Spirit,
URAS, WELD, WORK, Yashio Factory
Bienvenue sur le blog d'RHDJapan ou nous présentons de grandes campagnes promotionnelles à tous nos clients particuliers ou professionnels à travers le monde. Avec les cerisiers en fleur ici a Tokyo, RHDJapan propose des campagnes toujours plus avantageuses au cours de ce mois, alors continuez à nous suivre!
La plupart de nos campagnes se concentrent sur les performance parts, mais cette fois ci, nous offrons quelque chose d'un peu différent des campagnes habituelles.
Avec cette campagne, vous recevez 8% de remise additionnelle sur tous les accessoires, vêtements, décoration, stickers, magazines et DVDs.
Cela prend effet immédiatement et restera valable jusqu'au 28 du mois.
Pour les produits concernés par d'autres promotions, telle que la Works Campaign, sachez que le plus haut pourcentage de réduction est applique!
Cette grande campagne offre une réduction très avantageuse sur plus de 50 marques différentes et des centaines de produits ! Jetez un oeil plus loin pour voir la liste de toutes les marques concernées!
Inclu: chemises, serviettes, gants, vestes, chapeaux, badges, chaussures, chaussettes, lunettes de soleil
Goodies & Porte-clefs
Inclu: montres, pins, cassettes, stylos, strap pour téléphone, sacs, sacoches, portefeuilles, étuits de téléphone, briquets, parapluies and logos
Aimgain, APP, Auto Select, Bee-R, BLITZ, Billion, Border,
C-West, Central 20, Colt Speed, Cusco, CRUISE,
Drift Spec Cosmetics, ENKEI, Fujita Engineering (FEED), FEEL's, G-Corporation, Garson,
GT-1 Motorsport, JUN, Kids Heart, M&M Honda, MoonFace, Mugen,
Nagisa, NISMO, Nissan, Okuyama, Power Enterprise, Phoenix's Power, Project Mu,
R-Magic,Ralliart, RAYS, Revolution, RE-Amemiya,
SARD, Sessions, SPOON, Suzuki Sport,
STI, TEIN, Tommy Kaira, Tomei, TRD, The Man Spirit,
URAS, WELD, WORK, Yashio Factory
Bentornati al Blog di RHDJapan in cui vi presentiamo una nuova grande offerta per tutti i nostri clienti e professionisti sparsi in tutto il globo.
Con i Ciliegi appena sbocciati qui in Tokyo RHDJapan sta preparando molte altre nuove offerte per tutto questo mese in modo da permettervi il massimo potere di acquisto e risparmio!
Quindi visitate spesso il nostro Blog per non perdere nessuna di queste offerte!
La maggioranza delle nostre offerte si concentra in parti Tuning per tutti i vostri veicoli, questa offerta invece vi offrirà qualcosa di nuovo rispetto alle offerte tradizionali, per darvi un maggior incentivo su prodotti molto interessanti che sono spesso desiderati.
Con questa offerta avrete a disposizione un aggiuntivo 8% di sconto in TUTTI i prodotti all'interno delle nostre categorie: Abbigliamento, Goods & Portachiavi, Adesivi, Riviste, Libri & DVD.
L'offerta è già partita e vi terrà compagnia fino al 28 aprile!
Per gli articoli che sono presenti anche su altre offerte, per esempio l'Offerta sui Produttori esclusivi lo sconto maggiore di questa offerta prenderà il sopravvento!
Questa è davvero un'interessante offerta che compre oltre 50 grandi marchi e oltre 100 prodotti!
A fine blog sono presenti i nomi di tutte le marche incluse.
Include: Maglie, Asciugamani, Guanti, giacche, cappelli,
badges, tute, Calzetti, Fasce sportive e occhiali da sole
Goods & Portachiavi
Include: Orologi, Fasce per collo, Pins, tape, Penne, fasce per cellulari,
borse, Valigette, Portafogli, Custodie Cellulari, accendini, Ombrelle e emblemi
Aimgain, APP, Auto Select, Bee-R, BLITZ, Billion, Border,
C-West, Central 20, Colt Speed, Cusco, CRUISE,
Drift Spec Cosmetics, ENKEI, Fujita Engineering (FEED), FEEL's, G-Corporation, Garson,
GT-1 Motorsport, JUN, Kids Heart, M&M Honda, MoonFace, Mugen,
Nagisa, NISMO, Nissan, Okuyama, Power Enterprise, Phoenix's Power, Project Mu,
R-Magic,Ralliart, RAYS, Revolution, RE-Amemiya,
SARD, Sessions, SPOON, Suzuki Sport,
STI, TEIN, Tommy Kaira, Tomei, TRD, The Man Spirit,
URAS, WELD, WORK, Yashio Factory
Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com
A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!