Weekend Specials ~Feb 12
Hello from the RHDJapan blog and team. This weekend will mark the Osaka Auto Messe. This event will be ongoing for the next three days giving the tuning style and ideas coming out of Kansai much more spotlight. From an outside perspective the differences between Kansai and Kanto may be subtle however to the experienced JDM'er the differences are significant. With a large amount of manufacturers & shops also located in the Osaka area there will be lots more exiting vehicles and parts to be on display. Just as we have been continuing to bring coverage of this years Tokyo Auto Salon we will continue to bring new coverage from the Osaka AutoMesse as well!
Please check out the RHDJapan Facebook wall for loads of coverage!
With the 11th being a national holiday we will be away from the office until the 12th and this batch of specials will be going for an extra day. RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on some select manufacturers until Feb 12 (9:00JST)
HKS Campaign & FREE Spark Plugs ~Feb 28
SARD Radiator Cooling Campaign ~Feb 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~Feb 28
Zero Sports Filter Campaign ~March 29
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials & Holiday Schedule ~Jan 6
Welcome to the RHDJapan blog. 2011 marks the first full year that we have fully implemented this blog to bring all sorts of information about campaigns, races, events, freebies, special offers and industry happenings that came and went throughout the year. Judging by the traffic to the blog continually increasing as the year progressed we have realized that this kind of information is of interest to many enthusiasts across the globe. Although this will be the last entry for the year and we will continue to put the same hard work into the blog for the upcoming year.
Today, December 28 marks the last shipping day of the year and will resume again on the 6th.
Wishing great blessings to one and all for 2012 and we hope that you continue to visit the RHDJapan blog in the year of the Dragon.
In the holiday spirit this batch of Weekend Specials will be continuing on for the next 9 days and will have a bunch of extra manufacturers included.
An additional 6% discount will be applied to any parts from any of the manufacturers listed below:
Alex Motorsports
Buddy Club
Colt Speed
Fujita Engineering/FEED
J's Racing
JIC Magic
Kakimoto Racing
Kansai Service
Knight Sports
M&M Honda
Optional Howa
Phoenix's Power
Power Craft
Power House Amuse
Power Enterprise
R's Racing Service
S2 Supra Style
SPOON Sports
Subaru OEM
Sun Line Racing
Super Made
Suzuki Sport
Top Secret
Tracy Sport
WORK Wheels
Yashio Factory
Discount will also be applied to Clearance Items
Winter BONUS Campaign ~2012
The Ultimate Golden Ticket Campaign! ~While stock lasts or Jan 6
RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~2012
SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012
APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012
All Parts HKS Campaign ~2012
All Parts Nagisa Campaign ~2012
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials 10 Days!! ~Nov 28
Hello from Tokyo and the RHDJapan team!! Nov the 23rd will be 勤労感謝の日 (Kinrō kansha no hi) which is another National Holiday in Japan. The holiday is designed to give thanks to one another and to commemorate labor and production. The RHDJapan team will be away from the office in observance of this holiday.
While giving thanks and praise we will be sure to our many supportive customers across the globe in mind and would also like to extend a big campaign at the opening of the Holiday Season.
Along with a new batch of FREEBIES being prepared, many other on going campaigns and other big days such as Thanksgiving and Black Friday coming up we would like to make this a very special batch of Weekend Specials that will be extended for the next 10 days with a massive increase in brands. Providing 10 days will allow for enough time to search out and compare items, shop around and organize wisely while taking advantage of this great offer.
After a year of ups and downs we have continued to push to improve all aspects of the RHDJapan services. We would like to extend our gratitude for all the customers that have continued to support us and the services provide. With this campaign we are extremely confident that we can provide you with the best overall shopping experience for JDM parts.
Add any of the items to your shopping cart to get the shipped total to you doorstep!
Alex Motorsports
Buddy Club
Colt Speed
Fujita Engineering/FEED
J's Racing
JIC Magic
Kakimoto Racing
Kansai Service
Knight Sports
M&M Honda
Optional Howa
Phoenix's Power
Power Craft
Power House Amuse
Power Enterprise
R's Racing Service
S2 Supra Style
SPOON Sports
Subaru OEM
Sun Line Racing
Super Made
Suzuki Sport
Top Secret
Tracy Sport
WORK Wheels
Yashio Factory
All discounts will also be applied to the many Clearance Items
TEIN Coilover Campaign ~While supplies last
TRUST LS-Spec Intercooler Campaign ~Dec 26
RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~2012
KTS Fall Campaign ~NOV 29
Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14
SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012
APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012
All Parts HKS Campaign ~2012
All Parts Nagisa Campaign ~2012
Charity Campaigns
Un grand bonjour de Tokyo et de toute l'équipe de RHDJapan!!!
Le 23 novembre à lieu le 勤労感謝の日 (Kinrō kansha no hi) et c'est un des jours fériés du Japon! Ce jour sert à remercier vos proches et commémorer le travail et la production.
Alors que nous aurons de nombreuses pensées de remerciements pour notre si charmante clientèle de par le monde, nous allons également profiter de l'occasion pour vous faire part d'une offre exceptionnelle pour fêter l'entrée dans la dernière ligne droite de 2011 et les fêtes de fin d'année.
Apour aller de paire avec la nouvelle fournée des FREEBIES qui est en cours de préparation, il y a de nombreuses campagnes en préparation, et avec l'arrivée de thanksgiving et du BlackFriday, nous allons faire durer cette offre pour une semaine toute entière, en faisant faire le pont à cette promo. Et ceci devrait vous permettre d'avoir assez de temps pour vous organiser une commande savamment calculée.
Alex Motorsports
Buddy Club
Colt Speed
Fujita Engineering/FEED
J's Racing
JIC Magic
Kakimoto Racing
Kansai Service
Knight Sports
M&M Honda
Optional Howa
Phoenix's Power
Power Craft
Power House Amuse
Power Enterprise
R's Racing Service
S2 Supra Style
SPOON Sports
Subaru OEM
Sun Line Racing
Super Made
Suzuki Sport
Top Secret
Tracy Sport
WORK Wheels
Yashio Factory
All discounts will also be applied to the many Clearance Items
TEIN Coilover Campaign ~While supplies last
TRUST LS-Spec Intercooler Campaign ~Dec 26
RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~2012
KTS Fall Campaign ~NOV 29
Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14
SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012
APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012
All Parts HKS Campaign ~2012
All Parts Nagisa Campaign ~2012
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials ~August 22
Greetings from Tokyo and the RHDJapan team. All manufacturers are now back from the Summer Break and in full-throttle mode to fulfill orders placed over the break. Most orders placed during the last week will not see more than a 1~2 day delay on processing time.
Thank you to all who had taken advantage of the great campaigns that we had available through the Holidays. We will continue to bring more great offers for those looking for great JDM items. Please stay posted to the blog and our Facebook wall for current and upcoming information.
We will have 11 manufacturers in this weeks batch of Weekend Specials. All parts from these manufacturers will be discounted an additional 6%
Discount will be applied after items are added to your shopping cart!!
All clearance items with items included in the Weekend Special will be further discounted!!
Other Great Campaigns with RHDJapan!
FREE Spark Plugs & 1/2 Off Suction Kit for SR20DET~Aug 30
FREE TRUST Muffler Campaign SXE10~Aug 30
TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!
HKS FREE Spark Plug Campaign ~August 24
TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30
SARD Blow Off Valve Campaign ~Aug 15
STI NBR Challenge Champions Campaign~Aug 25
Extra Consolidation with HKS Muffler Campaign!!~Aug 30
TRUST Muffler Campaign ~August 30
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~August 30
Ralliart Discontinuation Sale! ~August 30
HKS Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30
Revolution WTAC Podium Campaign~Sept 10
SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30
Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability
Sincères salutations de la part de toute l'équipe de RHDJapan de Tokyo. Tous les fabricants sont à présent de retour au travail après cette petite pause estivale bien méritée, et ils sont en pleine forme pour assurer toutes les commandes qui leur ont été passé en leur absence.
Toutes les commandes que nous avons reçue au cours de la semaine passée ne devraient pas avoir plus d'un jour ou deux de retard.
Nous tenons cette semaine à remercier tout particulièrement ceux d'entre vous qui ont profité des offres que nous avons mis à votre disposition au cours de l'été. Nous allons définitivement continuer à vous proposer encore d'autres offres exceptionnelles portant sur de fabuleux articles JDM. Merci de rester fidèle au poste sur notre Blog ainsi que sur notre mur Facebook pour être toujours à la page avec les dernières informations.
Nous avons 11 fabricants pour cette série des Promos du Week End. Tous les articles de ces fabricants vous sont proposés avec une remise exceptionnelle de 6%.
*La remise est appliquée une fois que l'article a été ajouté au Caddie!
Articles en liquidation RHDJapan
Tous les articles en liquidation peuvent cumuler leur remise avec les promos du Week End!
Autres campagnes en cours RHDJapan!
FREE Spark Plugs & 1/2 Off Suction Kit for SR20DET~ 30 Août
FREE TRUST Muffler Campaign SXE10~ 30 Août
TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Quantité Limité!!
HKS FREE Spark Plug Campaign ~ 24 Août
TRUST Suspension Campaign ~ 30 Août
SARD Blow Off Valve Campaign ~ 15 Août
STI NBR Challenge Champions Campaign~ 25 Août
Extra Consolidation with HKS Muffler Campaign!!~ 30 Août
TRUST Muffler Campaign ~ 30 Août
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~ 30 Août
Ralliart Discontinuation Sale! ~ 30 Août
HKS Suspension Campaign ~ 30 Août
Revolution WTAC Podium Campaign~ 10 Septembre
SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~ 30 Septembre
Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Quantité Limité!!
Saluti a tutti da Tokyo e dal Team di RHDJapan.
Tutti i produttori sono ora tornati dalle loro vacanze estive e sono ora in pieno servizio.
La maggioranza degli ordini inoltrati la scorsa settimana non subiranno ritardi superiori ai 2/3 giorni.
Ringraziamo di cuore tutti coloro che hanno preso il massimo vantaggio che vi abbiamo messo a disposizione durante il periodo festivo.
Continueremo come sempre a proporvi grandi offerte in modo da offrirvi il massimo potere di acquisto.
Controllate spesso il Blog e facebook per le ultimissime novità!
Immancabile come ogni fine settimana lo speciale vi offre l'esclusivo sconto aggiuntivo del 6% su tutti i prodotti di queste grandi 11 marche!!
Utilizzate i link sottostanti per vedere tutti i prodotti delle varie marche, ed utilizzate il motore "pin-point" per filtrare ulteriormente le vostre ricerche ai prodotti specifici per le vostre esigenze. Aggiungete il prodotto al carrello per poter visualizzare il prezzo scontato comprensivo delle spese di spedizione per il servizio di vostra scelta al vostro domicilio.
J's Racing
Mitsubishi OEM
Moon Face
Subaru OEM
Sun Line Racing
Work Wheels
Molti altri articoli in Liquidazione sono stati aggiunti al nostro sito durante la settimana. Se il tasto "aggiungi al carrello" è visibile allora la parte è ancora disponibile!
Le Nuove Offerte:
Le Altre Offerte in corso:
Grande Offerta Omaggi Beneficenza di Mazda Tuning Festa
Grandissima Offerta Tuning TRUST per RB26DETT! DISPONIBILITÀ LIMITATA!!
Offerta catalizzatori SARD +α! Scadenza 30 Settembre
Grande Offerta sui Collari Rigidi della SPOON Scadenza 30 Settembre
Offerta Podio WTAC per il Team Revolution Scadenza 10 Settembre
Offerta Scarichi HKS! Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta SR20DET Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Successi STi al NBR Challenge Scadenza 25 Agosto
Offerta Scarico Trust IN REGALO per Altezza SXE10 Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Raffreddamento TRUST GReedy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Scarichi TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta assetti TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Grande Offerta! Candele HKS Gratuite Scadenza 24 Agosto
Vi ricordiamo inoltre che la direzione di RHDJapan ha deciso di non offrire più alcun supporto in lingua Italiana. Per qualsiasi informazione o supporto vi preghiamo di contattarci UNICAMENTE in INGLESE tramite il modulo di contatto del nostro sito o a questo indirizzo: rhdjapan@rhdjapan.com
A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!
RHD Insta
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