RHDJapan Blog Blog on JDM news, racing, drifting and thoughts from Osaka


Weekday Pop Specials & Holiday ~Oct 6

Welcome to the RHDJapan Blog. Next Monday will be 'Taiku no Hi' Health and Fitness day here in Japan which is a National Holiday. The RHDJapan team will be away from the office on the 10th in observance of this Holiday.

This is our 8th listing  for our Weekday Pop Specials and this round will have 5 manufacturers and will be lasting for 3 days.

This year will mark the 45th annual 'Taiku no Hi'. It was started to commorate the Tokyo Olympics

Weekday Pop Special will have a 4% discount applied to everything in your shopping cart with the purchase of any of the parts from the manufacturers listed below.

This round will be going on until Oct 6, 9:00am (JST)




RAY'S Engineering (Everything but Wheels, please inquiry directly for wheel info)

RS Watanabe

*Additional discounts will be applied when items are added to the shopping cart.
**The additional discount will also be applied to any of the items on clearance:

RHDJapan Clearance Items

In conjunction we have the Weekday Pop Specials which will be available for the same time frame which also includes 4 more great JDM manufacturers.


APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de RHDJapan! Lundi prochain sera férié, ce sera le "Taiku no Hi", autrement dit le jour du sport et de la santé ici au Japon, et comme d'habitude toute l'équipe de RHDJapan va profiter de la journée.

Voici notre 8ème listing des Promos *PoP* de la Semaine et pour ce round, nous avons 5 fabricants et cela va durer 3 jours!

Cette année marque le 45ème anniversaire du "Taiku no Hi" qui a été lancé pour la commémoration des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo en 1964

Les promos *PoP* de la Semaine vous permettent d'avoir une remise de 4% appliquée à l'intégralité de votre Caddie pour l'achat d'une pièce de l'un des fabricants listés ci-dessous.

Ce round va durer jusqu'au 6 octobre, 9:00 am, heure de Tokyo.




RAY'S Engineering (Tout sauf pour les jantes, merci de prendre contact directement pour un devis!)

RS Watanabe

* La remise additionnelle est appliquée lorsque les articles sont ajoutés au Caddie.
** La remise additionnelle s'applique aussi sur n'importe lequel des articles en Liquidation:

Articles RHDJapan en liquidation


APP Expanded Lineup/Price Down Pads and Brake Fluid Campaign ~OCT 15

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale~OCT 31

Work Wheels Campaign ~NOV 29

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~Dec 14

SFIDA Brake Pad & APP Brake Line Campaign~2012

APP HID Lighting Campaign~2012

Charity Campaigns

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt


Weekday Pop Specials ~Sept 2 9:00am (JST)

Hello from the RHDJapan team and blog. For those who have become accustomed to the great many campaigns that we continually make available along with the ritual Weekend Specials we are providing one more reason to continually check back on the RHDJapan blog with the Weekday Pop Special!!

Declan Hicks piloting the RHDJapan Works JZX81 finishing 2nd place in Round 6 of EDC

(photo courtesy of Rich Sams Photography)

The discount structure will be a little bit different than our Weekend Specials and will provide more incentive to consolidate your orders with RHDJapan.
The discount rates for our Weekend Specials are 6% on all parts per the manufacturers listed however with the Weekday Pop Special the discount rate will be 4% applied to everything in your shopping cart!

These specials will be more random in timing and time-frame, running from one day up to three and will normally be only a couple select brands. Included will be brands that are normally not seen on the weekend specials nor on regular campaigns.

In our second batch of Weekday Pop Specials we will have 3 brands and it will be going on until Sept 2, 9:00am (JST)

The brands that will be included are as follows:



ZEP Racing


RHDJapan Clearance Items


SARD Catalyzer Campaign ~Sept 30

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Revolution WTAC Podium Campaign~Sept 10

SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

Un grand bonjour de l'équipe de RHDJapan et du Blog!

Pour ceux d'entre vous qui sont devenus de véritables piliers ici, et qui sont habitués à toutes ces offres promotionnelles que nous mettons à votre disposition en permanence ainsi que des Promos du Week End, voici une nouvelle raison de devenir accro à ce Blog  : Les promos *pop* de la Semaine


Declan Hicks au volant de la RHDJapan Works JZX81 terminant 2nd dans le Round 6 de l'EDC

(Photo avec l'aimable autorisation de Rich Sams Photography)

Cette fois la remise ne porte pas sur un ensemble de marques auxquelles nous ajoutons 6%, cette fois avec les Promos *pop* de la Semaine il s'agit de vous offrir 4% sur l'ensemble de votre Caddie pour l'achat d'au moins un article de l'un de ces fabricants!!

Ces promos spéciales vont survenir de façon plus aléatoires que les Promos du Week End et leur durée peut varier de 1 à 3 jours, la quantité de marques impliquée sera aussi plus réduite qu'au cours des Promos du Week End.

Pour notre deuxième édition des Promos *pop* de la Semaine, nous avons une sélection de 3 fabricants et cela va durer jusqu'au 2 septembre 9:00 am JST.



ZEP Racing


RHDJapan Clearance Items


SARD Catalyzer Campaign ~ 30 Spetembre

DIXCEL Relief Project

Save Japan Charity T-Shirt

Revolution WTAC Podium Campaign~ 10 Septembre

SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~ 30 septembre

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Quantité Limité


Weekend Specials ~August 29

Hello to the world from the RHDJapan blog. With more and more visitors to the blog we will soon be posting more interesting information other than our regular campaign information. Do not worry, the great campaigns will continue to roll out.

Stay tuned to see what additional information will be updated to the RHDJapan blog.

An everyday site when living in Tokyo...

This weekend we will have 11 great brands in which we will provide an additional 6% discount on all parts!

This offer is in effect immediately until August 29 9:00 am JST.

All clearance items for each of the brands listed below will also have an additional 6% discount applied!!

Auto Select
Colt Speed
Nagisa Auto/NAMS
Power Enterprise
Zero Sports

A couple of campaigns have finished out this week and many more will be ending by next Tuesday. If you are interested in taking advantage of any of the campaigns please take some time to review the information before the campaigns are finished.


Other Great Campaigns with RHDJapan!

Revolution WTAC Podium Campaign~Sept 10

HKS Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30

SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30

FREE Spark Plugs & 1/2 Off Suction Kit for SR20DET ~Aug 30

FREE TRUST Muffler Campaign SXE10~Aug 30

TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!

TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30

Extra Consolidation with HKS Muffler Campaign!!~Aug 30

TRUST Muffler Campaign ~August 30

TRUST Cooling Campaign ~August 30

Ralliart Discontinuation Sale! ~August 30

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

Coucou  tout le monde! Avec de plus en plus de visiteurs nous sommes plus résolus que jamais à poster de plus en plus d'offres plus interessantes les unes que les autres ainsi que de plus en plus d'informations, pas de soucis, les offres vont continuer de tourner !

Restez plus que jamais fidèles au poste pour ne rien manquer de toutes les bonnes surprises que nous vous réservons!

Un panneau que l'on voit tous les jours quand on vit à Tokyo ...

Cette offre prend effet dès maintenant et reste valable jusqu'au 29 Août 9:00 JST

Tous les articles en liquidation de toutes les marques citées ci-dessous ont également une remise supplémentaire de 6% !!


Auto Select
Colt Speed
Nagisa Auto/NAMS
Power Enterprise
Zero Sports

Une paire d'offre ont pris fin au cours de la semaine passé et beaucoup d'autres encore se terminent d'ici mardi prochain. Si vous souhaitez profiter de l'une ou l'autre de ces offres, merci de prendre le temps d'y jeter un dernier coup d'oeil tant qu'il en est encore temps.

Articles en liquidation

Autres offres en cours avec RHDJapan!

Revolution WTAC Podium Campaign~Sept 10

HKS Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30

SPOON Rigid Collar Campaign ~Sept 30

FREE Spark Plugs & 1/2 Off Suction Kit for SR20DET ~Aug 30

FREE TRUST Muffler Campaign SXE10~Aug 30

TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!

TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30

Extra Consolidation with HKS Muffler Campaign!!~Aug 30

TRUST Muffler Campaign ~August 30

TRUST Cooling Campaign ~August 30

Ralliart Discontinuation Sale! ~August 30

Mazda Festa Charity Goods Campaign Limited Availability

Bentornati nuovamente all'interno del nostro Blog!
Con la grande crescita di visite all'interno del nostro blog, pubblicheremo presto nuove interessanti informazioni oltre alle consuete offerte.
Non vi preoccupate le Grandi Offerte di RHDJapan continueranno sempre a farvi compagnia!

Rimanete connessi per vedere quali nuove grandi informazioni verranno aggiunte!

Un'odierna vista qui in Tokyo...

Immancabile come ogni fine settimana lo speciale vi offre l'esclusivo sconto aggiuntivo del 6% su tutti i prodotti di queste grandi 11 marche!!

Tutte le parti in magazzino (Clearance Items) delle seguenti marche riceveranno anchesse il 6% di sconto!

Utilizzate i link sottostanti per vedere tutti i prodotti delle varie marche, ed utilizzate il motore "pin-point" per filtrare ulteriormente le vostre ricerche ai prodotti specifici per le vostre esigenze. Aggiungete il prodotto al carrello per poter visualizzare il prezzo scontato comprensivo delle spese di spedizione per il servizio di vostra scelta al vostro domicilio.

Auto Select
Colt Speed
Nagisa Auto/NAMS
Power Enterprise
Zero Sports

Un paio delle nostre grandi offerte sono terminate questa settimana, e molte altre finiranno il prossimo Martedì. Se siete interessati a cogliere il massimo vantaggio dalle offerte in corso, investite un po di tempo nel rileggere le informazioni prima che le offerte scadano!

Molti altri articoli in Liquidazione sono stati aggiunti al nostro sito durante la settimana. Se il tasto "aggiungi al carrello" è visibile allora la parte è ancora disponibile!

Le Altre Offerte in corso:
Grande Offerta Omaggi Beneficenza di Mazda Tuning Festa
Grandissima Offerta Tuning TRUST per RB26DETT! DISPONIBILITÀ LIMITATA!!
Offerta catalizzatori SARD +α! Scadenza 30 Settembre
Grande Offerta sui Collari Rigidi della SPOON Scadenza 30 Settembre
Offerta Podio WTAC per il Team Revolution Scadenza 10 Settembre
Offerta Scarichi HKS! Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta SR20DET Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Successi STi al NBR Challenge Scadenza 25 Agosto
Offerta Scarico Trust IN REGALO per Altezza SXE10 Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Raffreddamento TRUST GReedy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Scarichi TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta assetti TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto

Vi ricordiamo inoltre che la direzione di RHDJapan ha deciso di non offrire più alcun supporto in lingua Italiana. Per qualsiasi informazione o supporto vi preghiamo di contattarci UNICAMENTE in INGLESE tramite il modulo di contatto del nostro sito o a questo indirizzo: rhdjapan@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Weekend Specials ~June 6

Welcome to the RHDJapan traditional weekly listing of Weekend Specials where we introduce a group of brands to extend super deals on over the weekend.

These specials go along with our many other campaigns. 5 more have been added this week and 4 more have been ongoing, please check the bottom of the post for more details.

In addition to these new campaigns, RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on all parts for 8 different brands in this batch of weekend specials!!

Follow the links below and use the new and improved pin-point search function for finer tuned searches. Add the items to your shopping cart to see the total shipped price to your location.

Super Now
TODA Racing
Yashio Factory
ZEP Racing

Fresh Campaigns

All Brands Fuel Injector Campaign ~June 30

DEFI Advance Series Campaign 35% Off Control Unit Extended! ~Jun 31

TEIN Coilover Big Sale Extended!! ~Jun 30

TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!

TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30


Other on-going campaigns:

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 15

SARD Cooling Campaign ~June 29

APP Braking Campaigns ~July 28

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale

Bienvenue sur le Blog de RHDJapan pour nos traditionelles promos du Week end, nous sommes heureux de vous présenter la listes des marques sélectionnées sur lesquelles nous allons étendre nos réductions spéciales.

Ces réductions spéciales vont de paire avec nos nombreuses offres promotionnelles, 5 de plus ont été ajoutées cette semaine ou prolongées, et 4 autres sont en cours, faites le tour des anciens posts pour les découvrir si ce n'est pas déjà fait!

En plus de toutes ces nouvelles offres, RHDJapan ajoute une remise de 6% sur tous les articles des 8 marques qui ont été selectionnées pour cette fournée des promos du Week End!!

Suivez les liens ci-dessous et servez vous de notre nouveau moteur de recherche pour restreindre votre recherche. Ajoutez les articles à votre Caddie et selectionnez votre pays de destination pour avoir à l'écran le montant frais de port inclus.

Super Now
TODA Racing
Yashio Factory
ZEP Racing

Fresh Campaigns

All Brands Fuel Injector Campaign ~June 30

DEFI Advance Series Campaign 35% Off Control Unit Extended! ~Jun 31

TEIN Coilover Big Sale Extended!! ~Jun 30

TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!

TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30


Other on-going campaigns:

Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 15

SARD Cooling Campaign ~June 29

APP Braking Campaigns ~July 28

RALLIART Discontinuation Sale

Benvenuti al tradizionale Speciale del fine Settimana in cui introduciamo un gruppo di marche su cui offriamo un ottimo sconto.

Lo speciale accompagna tutte le nostre grandi offerte, 5 nuove offerte sono state aggiunte questa settimana e altre 4 sono ancora in corso! Controllate la fine del blog per maggiori informazioni.

Anche per questo fine settimana RHDJapan vi offre uno sconto aggiuntivo del 6% su tutte le parti di questi grandi 8 Marchi!!

Utilizzate i link sottostanti per vedere tutti i prodotti delle varie marche, ed utilizzate il motore "pin-point" per filtrare ulteriormente le vostre ricerche ai prodotti specifici per le vostre esigenze.
Aggiungete il prodotto al carrello per poter visualizzare il prezzo comprensivo delle spese di spedizione per il servizio di vostra scelta.

Super Now
TODA Racing
Yashio Factory
ZEP Racing

Le Nuove Offerte:
Grande offerta Sugli Iniettori! Scadenza 30 Giugno
Offerta DEFI Advance! Scadenza 30 Giugno
Grande Svendita Assetti TEIN!! Scadenza 30 Giugno
Grandissima Offerta Tuning TRUST per RB26DETT! DISPONIBILITA' LIMITATA!!
Offerta assetti TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto

Le Offerte Ancora in corso:
Offerta Pastiglie Freno Project Mu! Valida fino al 15 Giugno
Offerta Sistemi Raffreddamento SARD! Scadenza 29 Giugno
Offerte Freni APP! Scadenza 28 Luglio
Svendita RALLIART!! Scadenza 30 Giugno

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Apparel, Goods & Things +OverRide Campaign ~April 28

Welcome back to the RHDJapan blog where we introduce great campaigns consistently to our customers and dealers all across the globe. With the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom here in Tokyo RHDJapan will be bumping up the campaigns in quantity and savings for the rest of the month, please keep posted!

With most of our campaigns focusing on tuning parts, this campaign will provide a little something a little bit different from regular campaigns.

This campaign will provide and additional 8% discount on everything in our Apparel, Goods & Keychains, Stickers, Magazines, Books& DVD's categories.

It will be in effect immediately and will be ongoing until the 28th of the month.

For the items in other campaigns that overlap with this campaign, such as the Works Campaign, the higher % discount in this campaign will OverRide the other campaign!

This is an exciting campaign that will extend a significant discount on over 50 different brands and 100's of items! Check bottom of listing to see all of the brands included!

Includes: shirts, towels, gloves, jackets, hats, badges,

overalls, shoes, socks, wristbands and sun glasses

Goods & Keychains
Includes: watches, neck strap, pins, tape, pens, phone strap,

bags, brief cases, wallets, phone cases, lighters, umbrellas and emblems


Magazines, Books & DVDs


Aimgain, APP, Auto Select, Bee-R, BLITZ, Billion, Border,
C-West, Central 20, Colt Speed, Cusco, CRUISE,
Drift Spec Cosmetics, ENKEI, Fujita Engineering (FEED), FEEL's, G-Corporation, Garson,
GT-1 Motorsport, JUN, Kids Heart, M&M Honda, MoonFace, Mugen,
Nagisa, NISMO, Nissan, Okuyama, Power Enterprise, Phoenix's Power, Project Mu,
R-Magic,Ralliart, RAYS, Revolution, RE-Amemiya,
SARD, Sessions, SPOON, Suzuki Sport,
STI, TEIN, Tommy Kaira, Tomei, TRD, The Man Spirit,
URAS, WELD, WORK, Yashio Factory

Bienvenue sur le blog d'RHDJapan ou nous présentons de grandes campagnes promotionnelles à tous nos clients particuliers ou professionnels à travers le monde. Avec les cerisiers en fleur ici a Tokyo, RHDJapan propose des campagnes toujours plus avantageuses au cours de ce mois, alors continuez à nous suivre!

La plupart de nos campagnes se concentrent sur les performance parts, mais cette fois ci, nous offrons quelque chose d'un peu différent des campagnes habituelles.

Avec cette campagne, vous recevez 8% de remise additionnelle sur tous les accessoires, vêtements, décoration, stickers, magazines et DVDs.

Cela prend effet immédiatement et restera valable jusqu'au 28 du mois.

Pour les produits concernés par d'autres promotions, telle que la Works Campaign, sachez que le plus haut pourcentage de réduction est applique!

Cette grande campagne offre une réduction très avantageuse sur plus de 50 marques différentes et des centaines de produits ! Jetez un oeil plus loin pour voir la liste de toutes les marques concernées!

Inclu: chemises, serviettes, gants, vestes, chapeaux, badges, chaussures, chaussettes, lunettes de soleil

Goodies & Porte-clefs
Inclu: montres, pins, cassettes, stylos, strap pour téléphone, sacs, sacoches, portefeuilles, étuits de téléphone, briquets, parapluies and logos


Magazines, Livres & DVDs


Aimgain, APP, Auto Select, Bee-R, BLITZ, Billion, Border,
C-West, Central 20, Colt Speed, Cusco, CRUISE,
Drift Spec Cosmetics, ENKEI, Fujita Engineering (FEED), FEEL's, G-Corporation, Garson,
GT-1 Motorsport, JUN, Kids Heart, M&M Honda, MoonFace, Mugen,
Nagisa, NISMO, Nissan, Okuyama, Power Enterprise, Phoenix's Power, Project Mu,
R-Magic,Ralliart, RAYS, Revolution, RE-Amemiya,
SARD, Sessions, SPOON, Suzuki Sport,
STI, TEIN, Tommy Kaira, Tomei, TRD, The Man Spirit,
URAS, WELD, WORK, Yashio Factory

Bentornati al Blog di RHDJapan in cui vi presentiamo una nuova grande offerta per tutti i nostri clienti e professionisti sparsi in tutto il globo.
Con i Ciliegi appena sbocciati qui in Tokyo RHDJapan sta preparando molte altre nuove offerte per tutto questo mese in modo da permettervi il massimo potere di acquisto e risparmio!
Quindi visitate spesso il nostro Blog per non perdere nessuna di queste offerte!

La maggioranza delle nostre offerte si concentra in parti Tuning per tutti i vostri veicoli, questa offerta invece vi offrirà qualcosa di nuovo rispetto alle offerte tradizionali, per darvi un maggior incentivo su prodotti molto interessanti che sono spesso desiderati.

Con questa offerta avrete a disposizione un aggiuntivo 8% di sconto in TUTTI i prodotti all'interno delle nostre categorie: Abbigliamento, Goods & Portachiavi, Adesivi, Riviste, Libri & DVD.

L'offerta è già partita e vi terrà compagnia fino al 28 aprile!

Per gli articoli che sono presenti anche su altre offerte, per esempio l'Offerta sui Produttori esclusivi lo sconto maggiore di questa offerta prenderà il sopravvento!

Questa è davvero un'interessante offerta che compre oltre 50 grandi marchi e oltre 100 prodotti!
A fine blog sono presenti i nomi di tutte le marche incluse.

Include: Maglie, Asciugamani, Guanti, giacche, cappelli,
badges, tute, Calzetti, Fasce sportive e occhiali da sole

Goods & Portachiavi
Include: Orologi, Fasce per collo, Pins, tape, Penne, fasce per cellulari,
borse, Valigette, Portafogli, Custodie Cellulari, accendini, Ombrelle e emblemi


Riviste, Libri & DVD

Aimgain, APP, Auto Select, Bee-R, BLITZ, Billion, Border,
C-West, Central 20, Colt Speed, Cusco, CRUISE,
Drift Spec Cosmetics, ENKEI, Fujita Engineering (FEED), FEEL's, G-Corporation, Garson,
GT-1 Motorsport, JUN, Kids Heart, M&M Honda, MoonFace, Mugen,
Nagisa, NISMO, Nissan, Okuyama, Power Enterprise, Phoenix's Power, Project Mu,
R-Magic,Ralliart, RAYS, Revolution, RE-Amemiya,
SARD, Sessions, SPOON, Suzuki Sport,
STI, TEIN, Tommy Kaira, Tomei, TRD, The Man Spirit,
URAS, WELD, WORK, Yashio Factory

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!


Weekend Specials ~March 28

To both the long time and first visitors, welcome back to the RHDJapan Blog!

Over the last couple weeks we have been checking with the manufacturers and supply chains in order to provide our customers with exactly what is going on within the industry.
All shipping services are back up to speed and some of the companies that were not taking orders are back on track however there are still a couple manufacturers having delays. With any delay that comes up we will be sure to immediately inform our customers with the option to substitute items, cancel individual items or the whole order if needed.

We have bumped up this weekends specials to 5 different brands and are reintroducing 'The Works Campaign' for the rest of the month of March!

Use the new and improved pin-point search function for finer tuned searches.

Super Now
Tommy Kaira
Top Secret

The Works Manufacturers are the absolute favorite top JDM brands of all-time!

Ralliart campaign






along with
Suzuki Sport

Add anything from any of these legendary JDM Works Makers to your shopping cart to get a total shipped price to your location!

Other on-going campaigns:
SFIDA Brake Pad Campaign ~April 27
Steering Wheel Shift Knob and Boss Kit Campaign ~April 11
HKS Tuning Package CR-Z
HKS GTII 7460 & EVC 5 Super Set!
BIG HKS Package Deals to Hard Tune your Lancer!!
DEFI BF Meter Discontinuation Sale
TEIN Coilover Big Sale!! ~March 30
Endless Subaru Pad and Rotor Campaign ~3/30
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~4/27


Endless Brake Kit & Pad Campaign ~May 9
A nos visiteurs de la première heure ainssi qu'à nos nouveaux lecteurs, nous souhaitons la bienvenue sur notre Blog!!

Ces dernières semaines, nous avons pris soin de faire le point avec les fabricants et les Supply Chains afin d'être à même de pouvoir fournir à notre clientèle des informations précises sur l'état de la situation actuelle.
Tous les services d'expédition ont retrouvé leur vitesse de croisière, et certaines des entreprises qui avaient suspendu temporairement leurs commandes sont aujourd'hui de retour en piste, même si certaines entreprises souffrent encore d'un certain retard. Avec les retards possibles qui peuvent encore survenir soyez certains que nous informerons tous nos clients concernés en leur proposant ou de changer d'article, de le supprimer de la commande, voir d'annuler totalement la commande le cas échéant.

Voici les 5 marques à tarif réduit des promos du Week end!

N'hésitez pas à utiliser notre nouveau moteur de recherche pour affiner vos recherches!

Super Now
Tommy Kaira
Top Secret

The Works Manufacturers are the absolute favorite top JDM brands of all-time!

Ralliart campaign






along with
Suzuki Sport

Add anything from any of these legendary JDM Works Makers to your shopping cart to get a total shipped price to your location!

Other on-going campaigns:
SFIDA Brake Pad Campaign ~April 27
Steering Wheel Shift Knob and Boss Kit Campaign ~April 11
HKS Tuning Package CR-Z
HKS GTII 7460 & EVC 5 Super Set!
BIG HKS Package Deals to Hard Tune your Lancer!!
DEFI BF Meter Discontinuation Sale
TEIN Coilover Big Sale!! ~March 30
Endless Subaru Pad and Rotor Campaign ~3/30
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~4/27

Nouveau !

Endless Brake Kit & Pad Campaign ~May 9


Steering Wheel Shift Knob and Boss Kit Campaign ~April 11

Welcome back to the RHDJapan blog. After the many vehicle specific campaigns and campaigns for very select products, this campaign will cover just about any vehicle that RHDJapan provides parts for.

This campaign will be for a 40% discount on any HKB Sports boss kit/hub adapter when purchased along with any combination of steering wheel and shift knob.

You can choose between any of the dozens of different steering wheels and shift knobs that are already listed on the RHDJapan site.

The additional discount will be applied after one item per each category is added to the shopping cart.

Follow the links below and use the pinpiont search to refine the results.

Steering wheels

Shift Knobs

HKB Sports Boss Kit/ Hub Adapters

Offer is not available for other items in the same categories (i.e. Horn Buttons, Shift/E-Brake Boots, Spinner Knob, etc)

This campaign cannot be used in conjunction with any other of campaigns.
Bienvenue ou bon retour sur le Blog de RHDJapan. Après avoir enchaîné une longue suite de promos qui ne portait que sur des produits très ciblés, cette offre va profiter en revanche à peu près à tous les véhicules auxquels s'adresse RHDJapan!

Cette offre vous propose d'obtenir n'importe quel HKB Sport boss kit/hub adapter avec une remise de 40% si vous le commandez en concommitence avec un volant et un pommeau de levier de vitesse de votre choix!

Vous avez la possibilité de choisir parmis les douzaines de modèles différents de volants et de pommeaux de levier de vitesse qui sont répertoriés sur le site.

La remise est appliquée une fois qu'un article de chaque a été ajouté au Caddie.

Laissez vous porter par le lien ci-dessous et utilisez notre nouveau moteur de recherche pour affiner vos résultats.

Steering wheels

Shift Knobs

HKB Sports Boss Kit/ Hub Adapters

Cette offre n'est pas valable pour des articles différents qui sont présents dans cette même catégorie (ex : Horn Buttons, Shift/E-Brake boots, Spinner knob ...)

Cette offre n'est pas cumulable avec d'autres pomotions en cours.Ben tornati nuovamente all'interno del nostro forum!
Dopo molte offerte mirate esclusivamente a veicoli specifici ecco una grande offerta che copre quasi tutti i veicoli trattati da RHDJapan!

Questa grande offerta vi offrirà uno sconto aggiuntivo del 40% su qualsiasi Boss kit della HKB quanto acquistato assieme ad un volante ed un pomello!

Potete liberamente scegliere un qualsiasi volante e pomello che sono all'interno del nostro Sito!

Lo sconto verrà applicato automaticamente non appena, un kit boss, un volante e un pomello saranno aggiunti al vostro carrello.

Utilizzate questi link, come riferimento ed utilizzate il motore Pin-Point per filtrare ulteriormente la vostra ricerca.



HKB Sports Boss Kit / Adattatori Mozzi

- NOTE -

L'offerta NON copre gli altri prodotti all'interno della stessa categoria (Es. Pulsanti clacson, cuffie cambio e freno a mano, Pulsanti Drift, etc)

Questa offerta non può essere utilizzata assieme alle altre offerte in corso.

Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com

A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!