JDMWheels Campaign ~Feb 28 08:30 JST
Hello once again from the RHDJapan blog. Excited with all the new wheels released at Tokyo Auto Salon 2021 we have a special offer as well for the Rims/Wheels Store section of the site!

Get an additional 5% discount on ALL Wheels from ANY Wheel Brands. This includes any wheel brand that is not currently listed which is requested and an update can be provided!!
With the BEST shipping rates available and further discount for Transfer Wise/Bank Transfer we are quite confident in our total shipped price.
**orders finalized by May 20, 08:30 Japan time.
2018 Fine Tune Campaign ~Jan 7 2019
Thank you for checking the RHDJapan blog. Sale prices refined and updated for improved discounts on most/all items from 100+ brands (thousands of parts!). In celebration of the massive amounts of improved pricing RHDJapan is extending a celebratory discount for our absolute best prices ever. 1 coupon code to enter at checkout for an extra 6% discount on all the brands listed below! Increased discount may be seen with higher qty of the same SKU or same manufacturer products.
Weekend Specials & Golden Week Campaign ~May 7
Welcome to the RHDJapan Blog, we are now entering the second half of Golden Week Holiday. We will be starting this batch of Weekend Specials one day early and extending it one day later as both the 3rd and 6th are the last two National Holidays. Therefore this batch will be double in time and we will also extend the many great brands that were included for the first half of Golden Week.
Any JDM automobile manufactured prior to 1990 would be considered to be a Showa period vehicle (any vehicle manufactured after this time frame would be considered in the Heisei Period). Although it has been over 20 years since the end of Showa RHDJapan is always proud to help provide quality parts for these great machines of the late 70's and 80's. These are the machines that started the tuning scene here is Japan and we still give them maximum respect.
In celebration of the great machines from the Showa period and Golden Week RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on some select manufacturers that have been around since the era and those that continue to pay special attention to vehicles from this era. This special round will be ongoing until May 7 9am JST
The regular batch of weekend specials will be going on an extra day and are as follows:
The RHDJapan staff will be taking a well deserved rest in observance of this National Holiday and shipments will not be made from April 30~May 7.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!!
NeXT Spring Campaign ~Limited Offer
GP Sports Campaign ~May 31
Endless Brake Kit Campaign ~May 31
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 14
APP Brake Line & SFIDA Pad Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 28
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~June 29
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials ~April 8
Hello from the RHDJapan team and welcome to our blog. We were able to take some time under the Cherry Blossoms and welcome a couple new members to the team this week.
It has been a productive week for new campaigns and we are also working on some more that might just be considered to be unbelievable! Make sure to stay posted to this blog and information will be published here first.
We will be ending this work week with our traditional Weekend Specials. This batch is quite generous with a couple extra top manufacturers normally not available for extra discount.
In Japan schools and new employees start up at the time when the cherry blossoms are in full effect, coincidence or simply magic?
For our traditional batch of weekend specials RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on the following manufacturers until April 8 (9:00JST)
NeXT Spring Campaign ~Limited Offer
HPI Intercooler Campaign ~April 15
GP Sports Campaign ~May 31
Endless Brake Kit Campaign ~May 31
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 14
APP Brake Line & SFIDA Pad Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 28
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~June 29
Charity Campaigns
T.G.I.F. Weekend Specials ~Sept 10
TGIF and welcome to the RHDJapan Blog! We are now continually offering our regular Weekend specials in addition to Pop Specials extending over the weekend for customers to get the best deal in their selected way.
Also, we have just started a new type of exciting campaign style in order to offer more select goodies from Japan to our customers!
total JDMdesign iphone case available in the Wagara Campaign!
There are also still many FREEBIES available for any orders placed with RHDJapan! Make sure to check check and 'like' the RHDJapan FB page to get in on the extra offers from the team.
RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on some select manufacturers until 9:00a.m Monday, Sept 10
In addition, we have more specials going on in which the addition of any of the following brands to your cart will provide an additional 4% discount on everything in the shopping cart
*the 4% discount applied to the whole cart will take precedent when manufacturers from both offers are added to the shopping cart.
This additional discount will also be further applied to all items on Clearance!!
SARD Racing Blow Off Campaign ~Oct 15
BLITZ SE Intercooler Campaign ~Oct 15
Blitz Radiator Campaign & Wagara Items ~Oct 19
Ignition and Spark Plug Campaign ~Oct 31
TEIN Suspension Campaign ~Sept 27
Central 20 Cooling Bonnet Campaign ~Sept 28
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials ~June 11
Hello from the RHDJapan crew and welcome to our blog. With the motorsports seasons just starting up we are proud to have been able to participate in getting a few great machines setup for this year. We are looking forward for lots of excitement on the track this season and will make sure to continue to put up coverage on our RHDJapan FB page as the year progresses!
RHDJapan Driver Declan Hicks Back in action in the EDC this year.
Photo Courtesy of Rich Sams
Like we do every Friday, RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on some select manufacturers until 9:00a.m Monday, June 11
This additional discount will also be further applied to all items on Clearance!!
Project Mu Double Up Campaign ~June 15
D-Max S-Chassis Aerokit Campaign ~June 28
APP HID Lighting Double Up Campaign ~June 28
STi NBR Challenge Campaign ~June 29
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 29
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~July 30
ARC Cooling Campaign ~August 17
SARD Cooling Campaign ~August 30
TEIN Suspension Campaign ~Sept 27
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials ~May 28
Hello from the RHDJapan team and welcome to the RHDJapan blog. We have added some more exciting products to our clearance section for some more super deals only available with RHDJapan!
The Massive Sky Tree opened this week. Make sure to check it out on your next trip to Tokyo!
Like we do every Friday, RHDJapan will be extending an additional 6% discount on some select manufacturers until 9:00a.m Monday, May 28.
This additional discount will also be further applied to all items on Clearance!!
MSC Challenge Campaign ~Limited Offer
GP Sports Double Up Campaign ~May 30
Project Mu Double Up Campaign ~June 15
APP HID Lighting Double Up Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 29
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~July 30
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials & Vernal Equinox ~March 21
Welcome to the RHDJapan blog and an extended batch of Weekend Specials. With the upcoming week we will be away from the office on Tuesday the 20th in observance of 春分の日 /Vernal Equinox as this is a National Holiday here in Japan. In turn we will extend this batch of Weekend Specials until Wednesday the 21st! We are also very close to reaching the 20,000 fan mark on our RHDJapan Facebook page and plan to release a special round of FREEBIES as soon as this mark is reached! Many of the items will have limited availability and will be available to the quickest to response. Please stay tuned for lots of more action from the RHDJapan blog as 2012 progresses!
The perfect balance of night and day during the Vernal Equinox also revels the dragon!
Like we do everyweek at this time we will be listing the select brands that will be offered at an additional 6% discount will be applied to any parts from any of the manufacturers listed below. These specials end at 9:00am next Wednesday!
Additional Discount will also be applied to any clearance items found for these manufacturers!
TEIN Coilover Campaign ~March 29
MSC Challenge Campaign ~Limited Offer
Charity Campaigns
Save Japan Charity Jacket w/ RHDJapan Patch
Bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de RHDJapan pour une série longue durée des Promos du Week End. La semaine qui vient, nous ne seront pas au bureau le mardi en raisons de l'équinoxe de printemps qui est un jour férié ici au Japon. En échange nous étendons la durée de cette série des Promos du Week End jusqu'au mercredi 21. Nous sommes également sur le point d'atteindre les 20,000 fans sur notre Page FaceBook RHDJapan et bien sur, ce sera l'occasion pour nous de relancer une nouvelle série de Freebies une fois ce seuil atteint!. La grande majorité des articles sera en série limitée et sera attribué à la réponse la plus rapide. Restez fidèles au Post de ce Blog pour ne pas louper une miette des bons plans qui vous attendent sur le Blog de RHDJapan tout au long de l'année 2012 !
L'équilibre parfait entre le jour et la nuit au cours de l'équinoxe de printemps révèle également le corps du dragon!
Et comme nous le faisons toutes les semaines à la même heure, voici la liste des marques sur lesquelles nuos ajoutons une remise exceptionnelle de 6% de remise jusqu'à mercredi prochain 9:00 am JST.
Additional Discount will also be applied to any clearance items found for these manufacturers!
TEIN Coilover Campaign ~March 29
MSC Challenge Campaign ~Limited Offer
Charity Campaigns
Weekend Specials ~Mar 12
Hello and welcome to the RHDJapan blog! After a long and cold winter spring is finally around the corner. With spring comes the start of the motorsports season and we expect to be able to make many campaigns available this season. Please continue to check back on the forum for many kinds of great campaigns. We are also very close to reaching the 20,000 fan mark on our RHDJapan Facebook page and plan to release a special round of FREEBIES as soon as this mark is reached! Many of the items will have limited availability and will be available to the quickest to response. Please stay tuned for lots of more action from the RHDJapan blog as 2012 progresses!
picture from the Hanatouro night illumination event in Kyoto
Like we do everyweek at this time we will be listing the select brands that will be on special for the whole weekend plus Monday. An additional 6% discount will be applied to any parts from any of the manufacturers listed below. These specials end at 9:00am next Monday!
Additional Discount will also be applied to any clearance items found for these manufacturers!
TEIN Coilover Campaign ~March 29
MSC Challenge Campaign ~Limited Offer
Charity Campaigns
Save Japan Charity Jacket w/ RHDJapan Patch
Bonjour et bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de RHDJapan! Après un hiver long et froid, le printemps montre enfin le bout de son nez. Et avec l'arrivée du printemps voici le début de la saison des sports mécaniques qui commence et nous espérons avoir beaucoup d'offres exceptionnelles à vous proposer cette fois encore.
Nous sommes sur le point de parvenir à 20.000 fans sur notre Page FaceBook RHDJapan et biensur, nous prévoyons de ressortir pour l'occasion une nouvelle fournée de freebies sitôt que ce palier est atteint. Une grande majorité des articles auront une disponibilité limitée et ne seront offerts qu'aux réponses les plus rapides. N'oubliez pas de rester fidèle aux Posts pour continuer à profiter tout au long de 2012 des fabuleuses offres de RHDJapan!!
Photo d'une nuit de Hanatouro, illumination nocturnes à Kyoto.
Et comme nous le faisons tous les vendredi à la même heure voici la liste des marques sur lesquelles nous allons apporter notre remsise de habituelle de 6% supplémentaires jusqu'à Lundi matin 9:00 am JST.
Additional Discount will also be applied to any clearance items found for these manufacturers!
TEIN Coilover Campaign ~March 29
MSC Challenge Campaign ~Limited Offer
Charity Campaigns