Weekend Specials Attack Tsukuba Edition ~Feb 24
Greetings from the RHDJapan team and blog spot. This batch of specials will have a special extension due to the National Holiday on Feb 23. The RHDJapan team will be away from the office in observance on the 23rd and Weekend Specials will be ongoing until 08:30JST Feb 24.
This weekend marks the annual:
Attack - Maximum Challenge -
time attack event facing off at Tsukuba Circuit.

Live Stream coverage to be provided by Attack Official Movie Channel in addition to ShuBoxInc youtube channel
Whether inside or outside Japan let's enjoy the festivities in real time!
Because of the many event and team sponsors that help make this event possible RHDJapan will be including select brands within this batch of weekend specials!
Weekend Specials ~July 8
Greetings from the RHDJapan Blog. This is another special batch of Weekend Specials, with the Bangkok International Auto Salon in full swing and the biggest celebratory day for all things RX-7 we have an extensive list of brands that will qualify for extra sale price!
Below is a special grouping of the JDM brands that have made the journey overseas to support the Bangkok International Auto Salon and those who have sponsor vehicles on display vehicles shipped all the way to Thailand.
This batch of weekend specials will be a special one as the 7th of the 7th month is known as 7's Day for the RX-7 community.
In observation. we will be including all RX-7 specialist brands in this batch of Weekend Specials!
This weekend also marks the holiday known as Tanabata (七夕) Star Festival
RHDJapan head office is located right next to the Amanogawa (天の川) river which is the Heavenly River aka Milky Way.
The following campaigns will all expire on July 8 8:30am Japan time:
Ongoing Campaigns:
HKS Capacity Up Stroker Kit Campaign ZC6 ZN6 ~Aug 30
HKS Supercharger Kit Campaign ZN6 ZC6 ~Aug 30
HKS Turbo & EVC Campaign ~Aug 30
2018 Fine Tune Campaign ~Jan 7 2019
Thank you for checking the RHDJapan blog. Sale prices refined and updated for improved discounts on most/all items from 100+ brands (thousands of parts!). In celebration of the massive amounts of improved pricing RHDJapan is extending a celebratory discount for our absolute best prices ever. 1 coupon code to enter at checkout for an extra 6% discount on all the brands listed below! Increased discount may be seen with higher qty of the same SKU or same manufacturer products.
Weekend Specials ~May 12
Greetings from the RHDJapan blog and team. Please help cheer on the RHDJapan works machine this weekend in Croatia! We hope to make Mama proud with the performance.
Also, on't forget to Mother's Day!
Add any of the products from any of the manufacturers listed below to your shopping cart to get the additional 6% discount applied along with the total shipped price to your location!
Weekend Specials ~21 April
Greetings from the RHDJapan blog and team. With the opening round of King of Europe in Hungary we are proud to announce 2 podium finishes for RHDJapan sponsored machines!! Big congratulations to the reigning Queen, Danni Murphy and fresh on the scene Clemens-sensei!! Check out more great coverage from the KingofEurope Flickr & Facebook Page
Double Victory or Double Peace!
Add any of the products from any of the manufacturers listed below to your shopping cart to get the additional 6% discount applied along with the total shipped price to your location!
Weekend Specials ~14 April
Greetings from the RHDJapan blog and team.We would like to thank all our customers who have also followed us through our RHDJapan facebook page, it took a long time to organically grow our facebook page but finally made it to the 30,000 likes mark!
From a dream to action now being well known across the globe it feels real nice. Big Respect!
a night shot view with the infamous Osaka castle in the background
Add any of the products from any of the manufacturers listed below to your shopping cart to get the additional 6% discount applied along with the total shipped price to your location!
Mazda Tuning Festa Charity Goods Campaign
The Mazda Tuning Festa is an annual event held on the 7th day of the 7th in celebration of the legendary RX-7 and love for the Rotary engine.
This kind of event unites the top names in Rotary tuning all at the same venue at the same time. The event was coordinated by the one and only RE-Amemiya and also included other top Rotary Tuning shops such as Revolution, R-Magic, Knight Sports, Fujita Engineering (FEED), Pan Speed, and Scoot Sports for major Rotary action!!
As we have seen with many of the other events held this year throughout Japan there is still alot of charity type activities going on in order to continue to raise funds for the people still affected from the March 11 events.
In order to help raise funds to rebuild some of the damaged motorsports tracks/circuits (Ebisu Circuit, Sendai Highland, Sugo Circuit) the participating shops have designed and sold both Charity Stickers and Charity T-Shirts in which the profits are donated directly to these highly prized motorsports venues.
RHDJapan was able to help support the cause and we have picked up several of these charity goods.
We would like to pass on the support to the motorsports community by providing these items to our customers who are supporting these great rotary brands by purchasing through RHDJapan.
How to get these items:
The sticker will be available for any order placed that includes any parts from any of the participating shops.
The T-Shirt will be available for any of order placed that includes at least one part from the participating shops with a total purchase of JPY80,000 or more.
Both the sticker and the t-shirt will be available for any order that is placed and has a value of at least JPY80,000 of parts from the participating shops.
Pan Speed
Knight Sports
Fujita Engineering (FEED)
Scoot Sports
Add the following notes in the comments section at checkout to have the items included based on your qualification:
Mazda FESTA Charity Sticker
Mazda FESTA Charity T-Shirt
Mazda FESTA Charity Sticker & T-Shirt
Le Mazda Tuning Festaets un évènement annuel qui a lieu le 7ème jour du 7ème mois en homage a la légendaire RX-7.
Ce type d'évènement réuni les plus grand nom du tuning au même endroit et au même moment. L'évènement a été organisé par RE-Amemiya et d'autres grands noms tels que Revolution, R-Magic, Knight Sports, Fujita Engineering (FEED), Pan Speed, and Scoot Sport !!
Ainsi que vous avez pu le constater nombre des évènements qui se tiennent cette année au Japon réservent une place à des activités qui permettent de lever des fonds pour les populations qui sont encore aujourd'hui affectées par les évènements du 11 mars.
Afin d'aider à collecter pour reconstruire certains des circuits qui ont été endomagés (Ebisu Circuit, Sendai Highland, Sugo Circuit), les organisateurs ont donc crée et vendu des articles exclusivement dans ce but, stickers et T-shirts et l'ensemble des bénéfices ont été reversés.
RHDJapan a souhaité soutenir la cause et a réussi à se procurer quelques uns de ces articles.
Et maintenant nous serions heureux de continuer à supporter la communeauté des sports mécaniques en offrant ses articles à nos clients qui soutiennent ces grandes marques et achètent sur RHDJapan.
Comment se procurer ses articles :
Le sticker sera disponible pour toute commande qui comprend au moins un article de l'un des shop participants.
Le T-shirt sera disponible pour toute commande qui comprend au moins un article de l'un des shop participants et dont le montant atteint au moins 80,000 JPY
Le T-shirt et l'autocolant seront disponibles pour toutes commande comprenant au moins pour 80,000JPY d'articles des marques participantes.
Pan Speed
Knight Sports
Fujita Engineering (FEED)
Scoot Sports
Ajoutez le commentaire adéquat dans la section prévue à cet effet lorsque vous passez commande :
Mazda FESTA Charity Sticker
Mazda FESTA Charity T-Shirt
Mazda FESTA Charity Sticker & T-Shirt
La "Mazda Tuning Festa" è un evento annuale che si svolge ogni 7 del 7 in celebrazione della Leggendaria RX-7 e dell'amore per i motori rotativi.
Questo evento unisce assieme tutti i grandi nomi del Tuning per motori rotativi. L'evento stesso è coordinato dalla grande e unica Re-Amemiya con la partecipazione degli altri grandi nomi, come Revolution, R-Magic, Knight Sports, Fujita Engineering (FEED), Pan Speed, e Scoot Sports per assoluta azione rotativa!
Come abbiamo visto in molti altri eventi avvenuti qui in Giappone, cè ancora molta opera di beneficenza in corso per poter aiutare ad aumentare i fondi per tutti coloro che sono stati severamente colpiti durante i terribili eventi del 11 Marzo.
Per poter aumentare questi fondi di beneficenza per aiutare a ricostruire parte del circuito di Ebisu (Ebisu Circuit, Sendai Highland, Sugo Circuit), tutti i partecipanti all'evento hanno creato e venduto sia adesivi che T-shirts il ricavato delle vendite è stato interamente donato alla raccolta fondi.
RHDJapan è riuscita ad aiutare massivamente questo evento di beneficenza acquistando un grosso numero di questi articoli.
Vogliamo condividere il supporto alla comunità motoristica qui in Giappone offrendo questi articoli a tutti i nostri clienti che vorranno portare il loro contributo a tutte queste grandi aziende specializzate nel motore rotativo acquistando i loro prodotti attraverso RHDJapan.
- Come Ricevere questi articoli -
L' Adesivo sarà disponibile GRATUITAMENTE a tutti coloro che efettueranno un ordine che include qualsiasi prodotto delle aziende che hanno partecipato all'evento.
La T-Shirt sarà disponibile GRATUITAMENTE a tutti coloro che effettueranno un ordine che include almeno un prodotto delle aziende che hanno partecipato all'evento con un totale d'ordine pari o superiore a ¥ 80,000 (Indicativamente € 715)
Adesivo e T-Shirt assieme saranno disponibili GRATUITAMENTE a tutti coloro che effettueranno un ordine pari o superiore a ¥ 80,000 (Indicativamente € 715) di sole parti delle aziende che hanno partecipato all'evento.
Eccovi i link delle parti di tutte queste grandi aziende presenti all'interno del nostro sito:
Pan Speed
Knight Sports
Fujita Engineering (FEED)
Scoot Sports
Aggiungete le seguenti voci nello spazio note durante la fase di checkout per avere l'omaggio incluso nel vostro ordine in base alla sua qualificazione:
Mazda FESTA Charity Sticker
Mazda FESTA Charity T-Shirt
Mazda FESTA Charity Sticker & T-Shirt
Weekend Specials ~July 11
Welcome back to the RHDJapan blog. With 2 more new campaigns starting this week and none ending we now have more great deals available than ever before!
Tanabata Japanese Star Festival has just begun...
This batch of weekend specials will include all parts from 14 different manufacturers and an additional 6%
Follow the links below and use the pin-point search function for finer tuned searches.
Add the items to your shopping cart to see the total shipped price to your location.
Honda OEM
KEY's Racing
Pan Speed
JUN Auto
Super Now
Works Bell
*All clearance items available for these manufacturers will also quality for the additional discount!
Other on-going campaigns:
Blitz SE Intercoooler Campaign ~Aug 15
Extra Consolidation with HKS Muffler Campaign!! ~Aug 30
FREE Spark Plugs & 1/2 Off Suction Kit for SR20DET ~Aug 30
SARD Cooling CampaignJuly 30
FREE TRUST Muffler Campaign SXE10~Aug 30
SARD GT Wing Campaign~July 30
HKS EVC 5 Campaign Limited Availability!
APP Braking Campaigns ~July 28
TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!
HKS FREE Spark Plug Campaign ~August 24
TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30
TRUST Muffler Campaign ~August 30
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~August 30
Bon retour sur notre Blog, avec deux nouvelles offres cette semaine et aucunes qui prend fin, nous avons encore plus d'offre que jamais à vous proposer!
Le festivale de Tanabata commence ...
Cette série des promo du week end ce sont tous les articles de 14 marques différentes qui sont à -6% jusqu'à lundi!
Suivez les liens ci-dessous !
Ajoutez les articles au Caddie pour avoir le montant frais de port inclus
Honda OEM
KEY's Racing
Pan Speed
JUN Auto
Super Now
Works Bell
*Tous les aricles en liquidation de ces fabricants profitent de cette remise supplémentaire!
Autres campagnes en cours :
Blitz SE Intercoooler Campaign ~Aug 15
Extra Consolidation with HKS Muffler Campaign!! ~Aug 30
FREE Spark Plugs & 1/2 Off Suction Kit for SR20DET ~Aug 30
SARD Cooling CampaignJuly 30
FREE TRUST Muffler Campaign SXE10~Aug 30
SARD GT Wing Campaign~July 30
HKS EVC 5 Campaign Limited Availability!
APP Braking Campaigns ~July 28
TRUST Power Up Campaign RB26 Limited Availability!!
HKS FREE Spark Plug Campaign ~August 24
TRUST Suspension Campaign ~Aug 30
TRUST Muffler Campaign ~August 30
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~August 30
Bentornati e benvenuti all'interno del nostro blog!
Due nuove grandi offerte si sono aggiunte questa settimana ed altre invece sono scadute.
Il numero delle grandi offerte disponibili per tutti voi è davvero alto, quindi coglietene il massimo vantaggio!
La festa Giapponese delle stelle "Tanabata" è appena iniziato...
Immancabile come ogni fine settimana lo speciale vi offre l'esclusivo sconto aggiuntivo del 6% su tutti i prodotti di queste grandi 14 marche!!
Utilizzate i link sottostanti per vedere tutti i prodotti delle varie marche, ed utilizzate il motore "pin-point" per filtrare ulteriormente le vostre ricerche ai prodotti specifici per le vostre esigenze.
Aggiungete il prodotto al carrello per poter visualizzare il prezzo scontato comprensivo delle spese di spedizione per il servizio di vostra scelta al vostro domicilio.
Honda OEM
KEY's Racing
Pan Speed
JUN Auto
Super Now
Works Bell
*All clearance items available for these manufacturers will also quality for the additional discount!
Molti altri articoli in Liquidazione sono stati aggiunti al nostro sito durante la settimana. Se il tasto "aggiungi al carrello" è visibile allora la parte è ancora disponibile!
Le Altre Offerte in corso:
Grandissima Offerta Tuning TRUST per RB26DETT! DISPONIBILITÀ LIMITATA!!
Offerta Scarichi HKS! Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta SR20DET Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Scarico Trust IN REGALO per Altezza SXE10 Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Raffreddamento TRUST GReedy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta Scarichi TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Offerta assetti TRUST GReddy Scadenza 30 Agosto
Grande Offerta! Candele HKS Gratuite Scadenza 24 Agosto
Grandissima Offerta nuovi intercooler Blitz SE!! Scadenza 15 Agosto
Svendita RALLIART Scadenza 30 Luglio
Offerta Raffreddamento SARD Scadenza 30 Luglio
Offerta Alettoni SARD Scadenza 30 Luglio
Offerte Freni APP! Scadenza 28 Luglio
Per qualsiasi informazione contattate liberamente Amon in Italiano a questo indirizzo: support@rhdjapan.com
A presto con grandi nuove offerte dalla vostra affezionata RHDJapan!!