Price Revision Notification: TRUST GReddy TW-R Aluminum Radiators Sept
Greetings from the Mid-Summer heat of Osaka! TRUST / GReddy has announced a price increase on the long-running TW-R series Aluminum Radiators effective from September.
Any order placed must be confirmed by Aug 30, 8:00am JST to lock down the current pricing.

SARD Cooling Campaign ~Aug 30
Welcome to the RHDJapan blog and cool greetings from mid-summer in Osaka. Introducing another campaign for popular tuning vehicles serious about tackling cooling.
The SARD Cooling Campaign help your vehicle maintain its cool in all driving applications.
For applications that also have Cooling Thermostat available from SARD we will be extending a
100% discount on the thermostat in addition to 300 extra Reward Points!
All other Racing Radiators that have no thermostat available will qualify for a 7% discount with 300 extra Reward Points!
Weekend Specials ~June 19
Hello from the RHDJapan team and blog spot. Many campaigns have recently been updated and many more to come as we heat things up for the Summer Season!
Get a FREE Chronograph Watch with any Endless Brake Kit
Stay cool with the HPI Cooling Campaign
Let your engine breath better with APEXi Air Filter Campaign
Get a grip with the Steering Wheel Campaign
Freshen up your Power FC with the newest version Commander
Weekend Specials Additional 6% discount
Other ongoing campaigns include the following:
Nardi Steering Wheel Promotion Campaign
TRUST GReddy Sirius Meter Campaign
Ohlins Suspension Campaign
HKS Suspension Campaign
HKS Exhaust System Campaign
Roll Cage Campaign
Special extended debut campaign for highly sought after TRUST Sirius Boost Meter & Control Unit (in stock too!)
HPI Cooling Campaign ~Aug 30
Hello from the RHDJapan Blog and welcome to another great campaign to start for early summer ongoing to late in the season!! RHDJapan is proud to extend this Cooling Campaign from veteran tuning parts manufacturer HPI! .
Discount applies to all the following niche cooling parts from HPI:
discounts will be applied once items are added to shopping cart!
Hello from the RHDJapan Blog and welcome to another great campaign to start off the Summer Season!! RHDJapan is proud to extend this Cooling Campaign from veteran tuning parts manufacturer HPI! Celebrating 15 years in the tuning scene HPI continues to use their know-how and experience to continually EVOLVE their products.
Whether it be an Intercooler Kit, Aluminum Radiator, Radiator Rescue or Oil Cooler that you are after, HPI has great quality parts for just about all popular JDM tuning machines. Feel free to browse through the HPI cooling section to see what great offers are available!
NeXT Spring Campaign ~Limited Offer
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 14
APP Brake Line & SFIDA Pad Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 28
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~June 29
Charity Campaigns
Save Japan Charity Jacket w/ RHDJapan Patch
TRUST GReddy Radiator Campaign ~Sept 29
Welcome to the RHDJapan Blog. This campaign will be providing a little extra incentive for those looking to pick up any Radiator kit from the legends in cooling technology, TRUST GReddy!
Get a set of mechanic gloves with the purchase of any of the series mufflers from TRUST!
In addition we will also include an extra 100 Bonus Points on the order, a JPY500 (big nickle) additional discount on your next order!
HPI Tsunagi & Bonus Point Campaign ~Aug 30
Welcome once again to the RHDJapan blog. As promised we have another exciting cooling campaign. This one includes all of the radiators and the high end Oil Cooler and Intercooler Kits.
Get a handy and convenient Khaki Tsunagi suit and extra reward points for a limited timeframe.
Oil Cooler Kit (Side Tank Type)
Intercooler Kit (High-Spec Type)
HPI Cooling Campaign ~August 29
Hello from the RHDJapan Blog and welcome to another great campaign to start off the Summer Season!! RHDJapan is proud to extend this Cooling Campaign from veteran tuning parts manufacturer HPI! Celebrating 15+ years in the tuning scene HPI continues to use their know-how and experience to continually EVOLVE their products.
Click on the pictures below to go directly to the available products per category on the site:
discounts will be applied once items are added to shopping cart!
Hello from the RHDJapan Blog and welcome to another great campaign to start off the Summer Season!! RHDJapan is proud to extend this Cooling Campaign from veteran tuning parts manufacturer HPI! Celebrating 15 years in the tuning scene HPI continues to use their know-how and experience to continually EVOLVE their products.
Whether it be an Intercooler Kit, Aluminum Radiator, Radiator Rescue or Oil Cooler that you are after, HPI has great quality parts for just about all popular JDM tuning machines. Feel free to browse through the HPI cooling section to see what great offers are available!
NeXT Spring Campaign ~Limited Offer
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 14
APP Brake Line & SFIDA Pad Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 28
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~June 29
Charity Campaigns
Save Japan Charity Jacket w/ RHDJapan Patch
Hello from the RHDJapan Blog and welcome to another great campaign to start off the Summer Season!! RHDJapan is proud to extend this Cooling Campaign from veteran tuning parts manufacturer HPI! Celebrating 15 years in the tuning scene HPI continues to use their know-how and experience to continually EVOLVE their products.
Whether it be an Intercooler Kit, Aluminum Radiator, Radiator Rescue or Oil Cooler that you are after, HPI has great quality parts for just about all popular JDM tuning machines. Feel free to browse through the HPI cooling section to see what great offers are available!
NeXT Spring Campaign ~Limited Offer
Project Mu Brake Pad Campaign ~June 14
APP Brake Line & SFIDA Pad Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 28
APP HID Lighting Campaign ~June 29
Charity Campaigns
SARD Cooling Campaign ~August 30
With the summer coming soon, RHDJapan will be here to help keep cool. Among the many cooling campaigns that we will make available this one is for the hard-tuning crowd.
With the purchase of any SARD Racing Radiator along with Breather Tank, Reserve Tank or Radiator Hose set RHDJapan will extend an additional discount of JPY16,000 (USD200)!!
Once you add the Radiator and additional selected item to your shopping cart the additional discount will automatically be applied. You can check the different shipping services to also find the best price shipped to your location!
The campaign will be available until through the RHDJapan site until August 30, 2012
MSC Challenge Campaign ~Limited Offer
GP Sports Double Up Campaign ~May 30
Project Mu Double Up Campaign ~June 15
APP HID Lighting Double Up Campaign ~June 28
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~June 29
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~July 30
ARC Cooling Campaign ~August 17
Charity Campaigns
Save Japan Charity Jacket w/ RHDJapan Patch
L’été approchant, RHDJapan est là pour vous aider à rester au frais. Parmi toutes les prochaines Cooling Campaigns (campagnes promotionnelles pour le refroidissement) que nous allons proposer, celle-ci est certainement celle qui s'aadresse au plus hard-tuneurs d'entre vous.
RHDJapan offre une réduction supplémentaire de 16 000 yens (150 euros !) sur les radiateurs Sard si leur achat est effectué en même temps qu’un Breather Tank, Reserve Tank, ou kit de durites de radiateur (voir les liens et photos ci-après).
Une fois qu'un radiateur et un autre article parmi la liste sont ajouté au panier, la remise est automatiquement appliquée. Vous pouvez alors également comparer les différents frais de port suivant le service de livraison souhaité.
Cette campagne promotionnelle restera valide jusqu’au 30 Août.
Offres en cours :
MSC Challenge Campaign ~ Offre limitée
GP Sports Double Up Campaign ~ 30 Mai
Project Mu Double Up Campaign ~ 15 Juin
APP HID Lighting Double Up Campaign ~ 28 Juin
SARD GT Wing Campaign ~ 29 Juin
TRUST Cooling Campaign ~ 30 Juillet
ARC Cooling Campaign ~ 17 Août
Offres caritatives
HPI Cooling Campaign 1 Week Only! ~Jan 18
Welcome to the RHDJapan blog and Happy New Year to all from the RHDJapan Team. We are starting off 2012 with a big cooling campaign from HPI! This campaign is released as a celebration of the HPI appearance at 2012 Tokyo Auto Salon and will therefore only be available for a short period of time.
For those attending the Tokyo Auto Salon look for the HPI booth and their many great products along with tuning cars in Hall 3. For those people that will not be able to attend, we will be covering the event from different sources. Keep an eye out on the RHDJapan FB Wall for coverage!
You can add any of the items in the links below to your shopping cart to see your additional discount and total shipped price to your location.
In this campaign RHDJapan will be extending an additional 22% off the full lineup of HPI Evolve Series Radiators!!
Lancer Evolution CP9A CN9A CT9A
In addition we will also be offering the same 22% discount on the newly developed Radiator Rescue as well!!
Radiator and Rescue Set for Z34
For those looking for increased cooling of transmission and differentials we will also be offering an additional 18% discount on these oil coolers as well!
Lastly, we will be offering a 32% discount on the MSRP for any of the vehicle specific Oil Cooler Kits from HPI!
If you would like to get pricing for an Oil Cooler Kit please send a request with the part number to us with 'HPI Cooling' in the subject through the contact form on the site.
Updated often and now FREE Shipping on select clearance items!!
Looking for other used, discontinued or new old stock parts? check out our new service at BIDJDM
Charity Campaigns
Bonjour et bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de RHDJapan, toute l'équipe tient à vous présenter ses voeux pour cette nouvelle année. Nous démarrer 2012 avec une offre des plus alléchante portant sur les pièces de refroidissement de chez HPI!
Cette offre intervient pour célébrer la présence de HPI au Tokyo Auto Salon de 2012 et par conséquent cette offre sera disponible seulement sur une courte période.
Pour tous ceux d'entre vous qui ont la chance d'assister au Tokyo Auto Salon, n'hésitez pas à vous arrêter au stand de HPI pour aller admirer leurs fabuleux produits ainsi que leurs véhicules de démonstration dans le Hall 3. Et pour tous ceux qui ne pourront pas faire le déplacement, nous allons couvrir l'évènement grâce à différentes sources. Alors gardez un oeil sur le Mur FaceBook de RHDJapan!
Vous pouvez ajouter n'importe lequel des articles listé ci-dessous à votre Caddie et voir la remise offerte ainsi que le prix total frais de port inclus jusqu'à chez vous!
Grâce à cette offre extraordinaire RHDJapan vous offre une remise supplémentaire de 22% sur l'ensemble de la gamme des radiateurs de la série Evolve de chez HPI !!!
Lancer Evolution CP9A CN9A CT9A
En plus nous vous offrons également une remise de 22% sur les radiateurs Rescue qui viennent seulement d'être développés!!
Radiator and Rescue Set for Z34
Et pour ceux qui chercheraient à améliorer le refroidissement de leur transmission et differenciels, nous proposons une remise supplémentaire de 18% sur les oil coolers!!
Et pour finir nous allons offrir une remise de 32% sur le prix public de tous les Oil Cooler Kits from HPI quel que soit le véhicule concerné!
Si vous souhaitiez obtenir votre tarif pour un Oil Coller Kit, merci de nous envoyer une requête avec le part number correspondant et "HPI Cooling" en sujet dans le formulaire de contact présent sur le site.
Mis à jour régulièrement et avec maintenant des fraid de port offerts sur une sélection d'articles destockés!!
Une envie de pièces d'occasion, ou de pièces qui ne sont plus fabriquées, ou d'articles typiquement japonais ?Jetez un oeil sur notre tout nouveau service : bidJDM
Offres caritatives